I'm really starting to love it here in Portland.

May 15, 2009 15:13

So I started one of my jobs. I'm a canvasser for Environment Oregon. It's pretty fun. Everyone who works there is really awesome. I didn't think i'd really get along with any of them .. because i'm kinda... ..lol. .stuck up. And Dosha the aveda salon called me back SO I'm gonna have a job there pretty soon! so fuck yeah. I've been waiting for so long, it took them nearly 4 months to get a hold of me. I can smell it already.
I am also going to be moving away from the Hawthorne area to downtown. Aschlee (rabbit) and I are gonna move in together. I'm glad my current roomate ... is kinda anal about weird shit in the house.. like the way my bike faces... or that the pan always has to be clean... it's just weird. at least i dont have to see him that much. i cut his hair and i can tolerate him a little more. it's not just a grown out douchey shapeless mop anymore.
I'm also making a lot of friends down here! It took a little bit before i i could warm up to people. Now I can go out and always have people I know where I'm going. Aschlee and I go out everytuesday to this place called red cap. 5 drinks for 6 bucks, hell yeah! We dress up somehow everytime.. We've done moustaches and looked all gentlemen-y, We made masks that are reminiscent of Labrynth. They're awesome, we paper-mache'd them on these mannequinn heads and used wires to make horns and long noses and shapes.. We spray painted them silver and detailed them with black. We were galactic goblins. Next week I think we're wearing eye-patches and ... wearing all stripes or somethign... i'm not sure.. I'm in a really good mood right now, i'm just sitting at the library.. i am hungover.
Last night I ran into BEN!! Nooooooodle sexdirt. It was really good to see him, i guess he's just kinda... shootin junk and doing art all the time. he gets money for his crazy. His friends were really cool too. It's kinda depressing he's still the same, but i guess that's why we love him. He's so fun.
Well i'm out of computer time, and I want to go ride my bike around. later
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