Villains and Votes

Jun 15, 2006 00:00

No, this is not the usualy rant about the terrible things that people do to get votes or the terrible things people do while in office. This was inspired by an article on CNN about superheros and religion. There was a similar article on MSNBC. All the same points were made about Superman being a Messianic figure, despite the fact he was created by two Jewish writers. The MSNBC article goes into even more detail about other superheros religions, including the debate about whether or not Batman is Episcopalian or Roman Catholic (for the record, only a Catholic would feel guilty enough about the death of his parents as a young boy to put it right in the world.) For those who are interest, thank Oracle for this page detailing all kind of superheroes' religions. So, while everyone else is covering their faith in God (or lack thereof), this blog is political, so let's look at their faith in men.

Batman: Yes, the Dark Knight himself. How would Batman vote? Well, again thanks to Oracle, let's compare some superheros along seven different issues. Immigration: Well, hrm, he doesn't seem ot mind Alfred being British and working in the US. Abortion: Odds are on against, but only because he has a really strict code against killing people and didn't encourage any during the "No Man's Land" adventures. Gay marriage: Robin jokes aside, he probably doesn't honestly care. Taxes: Well, he IS a billionaire, but he also has that sense of fair play, so he probably doesn't mine paying his fair share, but so long as they are being spent wisely. The War on Terror: well, given this comic, he's probably pro, so long as it is done right. Regulation of the internet: he does seem to love using computers, but he also has Oracle to hack into anything and he's never been good at sharing his tools. But he does trust people to make decisions. Globalization: Wayne Enterprises invests heavily in foreign countries, but does fight to keep jobs in the US. Except for that one time when Iran made Joker their ambassador, he's never been to the UN. Overall: he'd be a moderate Republican (mostly R for the pro-life stance) See Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio.

Superman: The Man of Steel. Immigration: He IS the ultimate illegal alien who is doing an American's job for nothing, so let's say pro. Abortion: Superman is from the heartland of America with good ol' American values, so probably personally against, but legally pro-choice. Gay marriage: While he may have the values from Kansas Ma and Pa Kent gave him, all he probably looks for is a legal decision to be made, so odds are he leaves it up to the states to decide. Taxes: We do see him occasionally making diamonds out of coal for people, so he probably favors a more aggresive tax program than others would. War on Terror: He DOES fight for the American way, so he fully supports the president sending troops just about anywhere in the world, so long as they don't commit atrocities. Regulation of the Internet: He does care an awful lot about children and has shown some draconian sides when it comes to that, so he's probably pro-censorship. Globalization: So long as it is done fairly, he's for it. He would want economic justice for all. Pro-immigration, pro-choice, state's right on gay marriage, pro-taxes, pro-war on terror and pro-globalization. This makes him democrat somewhere between Kerry and Sen. Clinton.

Wonder Woman: The Amazon of Amazons. Immigration: considering she's an immigrant from Paradise Island, she can't favor getting rid of immigrants, but Paradise Island is pretty isolationist, so she doesn't mind immigrants, so long as they're legal. Abortion: Pro-choice edging into pro-abortion given some of the stories of what they do to male infants. Gay Marriage: Again, given background on Paradise Island, let's go with pro, but not in the agenda pushing kind of way. Taxes: Equal, but not to the point of punishing the rich (so between Batman and Superman). War on Terror: given she did work for the US government during WWII, she can have a pro-military standpoint, just so long as it didn't reach Paradise Island. Regulation of the Internet: While she's probably not as strong on this as Superman, the potential for abuse of women is high, so she probably favors stringent rules on internet porn without lots of other pointless regulations. Globalization: Again, given Paradise Island's strict isolationist views, she's probably not a fan of globalization. Oddly enough, she's most like Ted Kennedy.

There are many others, which means expect to see this again, but over all, political views don't factor into the lives of superheros that often. The only time they became really important was when Lex Luthor ran for president and actually won. Of course, the writers over at DC declined to give him a political party, for fear of alienating some readers.

Then again, that cunning a move from Lex Luthor guarantees he's a professional politician.

So it is written, so do I see it.

military, immigration, writing, abortion, sex, law, terrorism, bad technology, business, kerry, big government, campaigning, self-righteous, marriage, popularity, foreign policy

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