Whip It Out, Even White Boys Gotta Shout

Jul 30, 2005 00:00

Oddly enough, there is no link for this. There was just a video thing on CNN.com earlier, but it wouldn't let me link to it. Also, it'll probably be down at some point soon. A woman out in Colorado was issued a citataion for "exposing genatalia in public" when she was breastfeeding her baby on a public beach. The park ranger at the beach warned her about it a week prior. She didn't care. She went back, got under an umbrella and behind some towels (yeah, the geography is unclear) and breastfed her infant. Same ranger saw her and issued her the citation. She fought it, saying there was no law in Colorado against breast feeding in public. She not only won the case, she got written apologies from the rangers boss saying the ticket was BS since there is no law against it. Why is this a story? Well, simply put, the mother in questions wants to educate women about this.

Last time I wrote about Colorado, it was about this happy horseshit and I am growing less and less fond of the Centennial State as tiem goes on. Now, clearly, this woman was in the legal right because there was no law saying what she did was illegal. In fact, kudos to the head ranger for giving an apology and not standing behind his dumb man. If something is illegal, the authorities can't ticket you for it. God bless living in a Republic. However, this woman CLEARLY was looking for a fight. She had looked up the law, instead going to supervisor the first time after being warned, she did it again. She was looking for a ticket, something to fight in front of a jury and she got it. And when she didn't get enough of a fight from the other side, she went to the media in her crusade. And her local station picked her up and so on to CNN. If only this were uncommon.

Many, many women out there are fighting for "breastfeeding rights", and, as a sign of the times, they have an annoying rubber bracelet to proclaim to the world that you want more rights for breastfeeding mothers. What rights? Well, the right to feed in publc, silly goose. Yes, women want the right to breastfeed in public whenever little baby gets hungry. General disclaimer follows, I love babies, I love mother and I love breasts. I am a fierce defender of babies, babies' rights and motherhood. And I like tits. however, there are lines. There are militant women out there who want to be able to breast feed everywhere, regardless of the rest of us. These are probably also the same mothers who insist on brining four year olds to Batman Begins or The Island. But, the point is about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has been shown again and again to be one of the safest nutritional sources for newborns. It really is a wonderful thing. It also is, psycholgoically speaking, an important bonding moment between mother and child. It is a very intimate, lovely experience that only a mother and child can share.

Key word being intimate. Intimate, as in private, personal, not to be shared. Yet, some women feel the grand need to breastfeed in public because, well, they want to. Because they don't want to be inconvenienced to go somewhere quiet to feed their children. And oh Lord, don't ever tell them that you have a right to not see it unless you want to. See, feeding children in public is not only a right, it's a duty and you're only offended by the naked breast becuase of peurile, prurient and Puritan outlooks on sex, sexuality and the beautiful human breast. Don't bother trying to argue that breastmilk can be an allergen for those who are allergic to milk (yes, even in the air can count), it is a non-sterile bodily fluid, and we have rules about non-sterile body fluids being exposed in public, and damn well don't argue that there are times and places better suited to breastfeeding.

Many argue they have a right to breastfeed since the children are hungry and won't wait. Well, that much is true. Babies are not known for their magnificent patience. Babies only have two instincts: to suck and to cry, both of which are related to feeding. All that being said, feeding mothers do not have the right and duty to publicly breastfeed. It is true that the female breast is made for feeding of young. It's also true my penis is made for urination and ejaculation. Yet, I do these in private. While breastfeeding is shorter range than anything that comes out of my dick, that doesn't mean it's clean. Breastmilk, while healthy for baby, can be very unhealthy for those who have different immunities than yummy mummy. If mom has had, say, the ECHO-11 (Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan, type 11) virus, and I have not, she has the antibodies in her system (and thus breastmilk) that can get me sick.

As for the sexuality issues, tough. We have norms in this society, and said mothers are flaunting them for whatever prupose. Yes, we see breasts all time. Hell, the Stripper in Atlantic City loved flashing people. That's not acceptable in public. If you want to get in my face about how antiquated my views in sexuality are and how I should love the female breast as the giver of life, fine. If you want to whip out a breast and feed a child, then I'll make a deal. You can feed the child whereever, whenever you want, so long as I get to tell you about how I'm gonna think about your neaked breast when I'm alone later that night. Hell, I may even go into graphic detail about it/they may induce another natural process for babies, ejaculation. Yes, you attention whore, whatever your reason, you are clearly trying to provoke people into staring at your chest. Women do this all the time; why else would stripper wear be available at so many stores? If you want people ot not care about you breastfeeding, don't care when I talk about how lovely your naked breasts are. I sure as hell don't care why there are naked titties in front of me, I just find them attractive, it's a natural male reaction (see Desmond Morris's The Human Animal for more on this). If you don't want lots of attention paid to you, don't do things you KNOW will generate attention. Even if you are making a "bold political statement", expect to get shit for it. Every other great movement did.

And if you can't take it, don't whip it out.

So it is written, so do I see it.

breasts, drinking, babies

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