That Rhymes with D

Jul 25, 2011 00:00

Are you an American voter who has not been paying attention to the partisan bickering going on about raising the debt ceiling? Well, either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the possibility of defaulting on debts owed by the government in your community. Why, sure I'm a political animal, certainly mighty proud to say it, always mighty proud to say it. I can say that the hours I've spent blogging about politics staring at a monitor were golden. Helped me develop horse sense and cool head and a keen eye for sorting out an issue above the partisan bickering. Ever have to figure out what Ron Paul was saying about campaign finance reform while defending his contributions from white supremacists? but just as I say that it takes judgement, brains, and maturity to accurately and objectively talk about politics and look at an issue with some real sense, I say that any boob can take any issue and it into a pointlessly, partisan parade of talking heads and whip people up into a frenzy. And I call that wrath, the first big steps on the path to deg-re-day. . .I say first, it'll be an elected official looking to win re-election in a tight race by casting important issues in a simplified light then ads on the TV, next thing you know, anyone looking for a little airtime, publicity or political position will be listening to some out of town party operative about how ignite the base and cut out the other half of the people.

And that's not a wholesome election, but a nasty horse race where winning means everything and any way to make it look like your opponent doesn't care about your children's future and negotiating is the devil himself. Make your blood boil, well I should say. Now, friends, let me tell you about the better path. You got, one, two, three, four, five, six Senators in a gang. A gang to cut the debt, work across aisles and solve the problems. A gang that marks the difference between a Senator and a bum. That starts with a capital "B" that rhymes with "D" and that stands for "Debt".

All term long I say your congressmen will be frittering. I say your representatives will be frittering away debate time, ad time and campaign time, too. Getting themselves re-elected, never mind the debt crisis getting solved or taxes getting fixed or country put back on track. Never mind fixing the economy until one day parents are left without jobs. Yes, we got trouble, lots and lots of trouble. I'm thinking of the programs meant to build infrastructure cut so much they can't even start again. I'm thinking of the voters trying to follow their politicians peeking in on them yelling and screaming and never talking with the other side. Look, folks, we got trouble. Right here in old DC. Trouble with a capital T that rhymes with D that stands for Debt.

Now, I know you voters are all the right kind of voters, so I'm gonna be perfectly frank. Would you like to know what kind of conversation goes on while they're loafing about the Hill? They're putting in riders, making up cuts, and writing up amendments that will never pass. Bragging all about how they'll cover it all up with some mudslinging and political blame. One fine day, they're leaving the Hill, heading to a fundraiser in their districts. Political men and elected women with angry speeches and shameless, factless partisanship that'll grab your son, your daughter with the arms of a political machine. Mass-steria! Friends, the uninformed brain is the partisan playground.

Voters of America! Heed the warning before it's too late. Watch for the tell-tale sign of partisanship! The moment your representative is on the Hill, does he start forgetting how to deal? Does he forget he's just one representative among many or act like he's the king of it all? Is he starting to memorize talking points handed out by his party whip? Are certain words starting to creep into his conversation like "Obamacare" and "Compromiser-in-Chief"? Well, if so my friends, you got trouble. Right here in every city. With a capital "T" that rhymes with "D" that stands for Debt. We've surely got trouble, right here in every city. Remember all those bonds you bought, soon they could be worth crap. Oh, we've got trouble, terrible, terrible trouble. A game fought like a war in politics is devil's tool! Oh yes we got trouble, trouble, trouble! That starts with "T", gotta rhyme it with "D" that stands for "Debt"!

(if you're confused, see this)

Seriously, now tell me that was any less sensical than anything we've seen recently about raising the debt ceiling.

So it is written, so do I see it.

social security, hollywood, legislative, self-righteous, campaigning, television, popularity, media, stupidity

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