I had been doing international stuff for too long, so here comes some random, domestic crap. As anyone within ear or eyeshot of a television, computer or phone knows
Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter, but found guilty of lying to police on four separate occasions. For a very brief summary, Caylee Anthony was reported
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Now the huge majority on that board is female, and many are mothers, so most of them straightly condemed Miss Antony, spouting of nonsense that they themselfs would rather be unjustly imprisoned then 100 guilty people being free and other stuff.
So I looked up this case in some big boulevard magazines, not reliable sources, I know. And what me struck so much, was that there was just no proof that Miss Antony was guilty, but that everyone wanted her dead and was convinced of her guilt.
While I don't know everything about this case, there was much which struck me odd and which makes me think that she's in some way guilty. All her lies, to protect herself of course. The (assumed) lies of her mother. All their behaviours in and around court.
And that Miss Antony only called in the police after a month.
Well, what I'm trying to say is: Thank you for summarizing it up, thank you for staying as neutral as possible. Whether she's guilty or not, it's nice to know that there are people who stick to the motto "Not guilty unless proven otherwise."
While I understand the emotions of many women and mothers, I was very horrified about their way of thinking and speaking.
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