"I'm sorry, Mr President. I cannot in good conscience sign such a document. I will never stop hoping for out eventual reconciliation with England. But because in my own way, I regard America no less than does Mr Adams, I will join the army and fight in her defense, even though I believe that fight to be hopeless. Good bye, gentlemen." In the movie
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On facebook, I've often seen various groups like "1,000,000 Strong Against George Bush", "George Bush looks like a monkey", "Only so and so days until he's out of office.".
I joined a group called "Nobama" which was for those people who voted for McCain and were still proud of their decisions.
That group was deleted within a day.
Paige sent me a bumper sticker, where you can see all kinds of stuff bashing Bush that said, "We're Screwed '08". (I mean, I thought it was kinda funny because either way we're screwed right?) That bumper sticker was deleted for being offensive.
I created one that said, "I voted for the other guy! McCain / Palin '08". Within 3 hours it was gone.
I'm seeing a kind of trend here that is disheartening. It's a trend of silencing the other view. That scares the shit out of me.
See, this is what I really don't get. So now that Obama won I have to start believing in him? I have to get behind him and his leadership skills? I have to be excited about his plans, over 75% of which I don't believe in?
My god, if only everyone had done that for Bush...
Here's the deal, I'm proud that I voted for McCain, I don't like Obama, or his plans, and I have a right to say that. In fact, I'd almost say it's my duty to say that because our entire system is based on the idea of this balence of power. No one branch, or person, should have too much. The idea that all of a sudden I have to start liking him and get behind him really irks me.
Yes, it was probably immature of me to join a group called "nobama" (which was really just a funny take off on "gobama" which was everyone status message when he won) but it doesn't make me any less of an American just because I don't happen to agree with you, or him.
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