Fic: Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend

Sep 06, 2008 20:53

Title: Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend
Pairing: Rafael Nadal/Roger Federer
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not true
A/N: not a pairing you'll see from me often. but it includes Andy so *shrugs*. it's short though, just a little fun. hope it turned out ok. feeback would be nice :)

Rafa doesn’t. Couldn’t understand really. He has been thinking about it for a while now, been assessing each and every instance fully. He’s run though thousands of possible explanations and it all comes down to one.

Andy Roddick hates him.

Rafa could just feel it. Every time they share the same space, the air is heavy, thick, making Rafa want to hold his breath. He’s done his best; to ignore, to be friendly but to no avail. Everybody knows Andy like to be sarcastic but with Rafa it’s beyond that. Malicious really.

Rafa thinks it only gets worse when Roger’s around. They’ve done their very best to be discreet, always careful with lingering touches or looks. He doesn’t think Andy’s homophobic though because Rafa swears he’s heard Andy talk about someone on the tour, about a certain male ass being ‘edible’. Rafa didn’t catch the name though. So maybe it’s just an misunderstanding?

Whatever it is, Rafa doesn’t believe that he deserves to be called a ‘puta’. The first time he heard Andy mutter it when he passed by, Rafa thought he heard wrong and ignores it. Then it becomes constant and Rafa thinks that maybe Andy doesn’t know the full meaning. But now Andy smirks after he says it and Rafa becomes angry, infuriated. Clearly he hasn’t done anything, so what the fuck is Andy’s problem?

No, he doesn’t understand at all, until Feli sits him down and speaks as bluntly as one can.

“He thinks you stole his boyfriend.”

Stole his boyfriend?

What the…


Maybe Andy does have a reason to hate Rafa.

**** Puta = slut/whore in Spanish

rafael nadal, roger federer, tennis!fic

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