yesterday was our 1 year anniversary. i can't believe it's already been a year. it went by soooo fast. amazing. i got isaac a massage. or rather, an iou written on paper for a professional massage. and he got me a dog book, since first anniversary is paper.
we're going home in 3 more days. i'm so excited. sorta nervous about taking cosmo AND marley in the car for 10 hours... but hopefully cosmo will sleep the whole way. i think marley will, he always has in the past. i still haven't told my parents about my dog. heh. i was gonna send my mom some pictures of marley so she could see how much he'd grown and stick one of the dog in there... but my sister said just not to tell them and just show up with the dog... so that's what i'm doing.
it's supposed to be in the 60's while we are there. i really really hope that it is. first time in my life i've never wanted a white xmas and am delighted about it being so warm. better than the -2 it is here... or was when i got up at 8am.
here's cosmo: