Jun 30, 2006 02:55
So, yesterday my sister and I were going to totally move out of our apartment. Then, our other roommate (Pure Evil) called and said we have to pay another month of rent because we didn't let the office know "in writing" that we were going to move out July 1, we figured "Our lease is up, that's when we leave". Anywho, now I have to rustle up more money...
Also, I spent today helping my best friend (since fourth grade whom I recently started hanging out with again after a . . . I guess you could say . . . a sabbatical from our friendship) and her boyfriend (who's really a 40 year old man) pack up their stuff in their trailer and tommorow (after my Eye Exam - yea! new unbroken glasses - and not-dreid-up contacts!!!) I'll be helping them move said stuff to their house (her dad passed away recently).
Job Search
Most of the places I have applied for jobs have hired someone else that I know and are merely "accepting applications" and "not hiring right now". On Monday I am going to apply at these wonderful spots:
Staples - Copy Center
Video Rental Stores - as I have worked in an Audio Book rental store and I don't see how it is much different
Anywhere that isn't Meijer - I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, do not want to work there ever again.
If you have any suggestions for locations in the Howell/Brighton area (only that area - I cannot afford the gas to get anywhere else) leave a comment.