This has been spreading around
facebook like wildfire, I got it first as 16 things and now it has changed to 25. Here are both my lists (they're different), and a three more random things I thought of that only LJ will get to see - aren't ya'll lucky?!
1. I cheated on my final Confirmation Exam in 8th grade.
2. I love getting presents.
3. I love free samples, I don't care if I will never need the product, I still take the sample, and I try pretty much every sample in the grocery store. I even sign up for samples via the internet. I think this is slightly related to number 2.
4. I'm really good at faking things, like confidence and knowing what to do, and pulling answers out of thin air.
5. I think I am the smartest person at my work.
6. If a book is not interesting to me within the first few pages I will most likely never finish that book. The only exception to this so far is Brave New World, the first time I tried reading it was ten years ago. The last time I tried reading it I loved it. Books that follow this are The Princess Bride (love the movie, can't get into the book), The Life of Pi, The Book of Lost Things and The Neverending Story.
7. I'm pretty sure my "first kiss" story is a lie I made up in third grade to get the kid the story is about in trouble, he admitted to kissing me and didn't get in trouble, but I don't think he ever kissed me.
8. I only like chocolate milk except on cereal and with Oreos.
9. I don't like my cat very much.
10. I cry at books, movies, e-cards, Reader's Digest Stories, long-distance Commercials and so on, but not for real life stuff unless someone tells a story.
11. I have a really hard time paying attention to the last half of sermons, I often fall asleep and get elbowed.
12. My manners are atrocious compared to my sisters, but amazing compared to your average American.
13. I wish using the bathroom and taking showers didn't take so long. (Sort of stole that from Courtney.)
14. I have two email addresses that I check multiple times a day. I am sad when an hour or two has gone by w/o a new message.
15. At Panera bread, there is little that I actually like on the menu, I make my younger sister (who works there) order for me, she always tells them to give me "the kid's bread" on my sandwiches.
16. I think it would be romantic if my date ordered for me at a restaurant. As long as it isn't spicy or peppery.
17. If I won the lottery I would not do the lump sum thing. But I would get my parents a new house. I don't think I would buy a new car, I would just get my current one completely fixed. I would tithe ten percent, but it wouldn't all go to one church. Also, I would invest in McDonald's stock.
18. I love most kids, except girls between 9-14, Most of the time I really hate them, they are bitchy and annoying and I want to slap them.
19. I am way more violent in my fantasies than most people would think.
20. I am actually quite mean.
21. I wish I had had the guts to dress "punk" in high school.
22. I used to want to dye my hair green.
23. I hate croutons.
24. My feet are really cold right now.
25. I think I'm going to try Heavy Fighting now that I have a job with Health Insurance.
1. I hate doing the dishes. I would rather scrub 12 bathrooms than do my own dishes.
2. I love graham crackers and apple juice as a snack.
3. I like to eat fruit at room temperature not cold.
4. I have too many things in common with Drew Barrymore's character in "Never Been Kissed".
5. I still want to try Astronaut Ice Cream (
6. I don't really want a career, I just want a husband and kids.
7. I am pretty immature compared to most women my age. I have more fun and get along better with 16-19 year olds than people my own age. I seriously identify with the song "You Got Growin' Up to Do" by Joshua Radin.
8. I have had a lot of people call me their "Best Friend", but I have never had a "Best Friend".
9. My favorite colors are brown, green, pink and plaid.
10. I used to want to be a zoologist, but when I learned that I would have to stick my hand up the behinds of animals and go to school just as long as a "people doctor", I changed my mind.
11. Lately, I have been seriously considering going back to Concordia and getting a Family Life Ministry degree. Pray for me on that one.
12. I have a fairly long list of baby names (first and middle) for when I have children.
13. I want to play myself in a movie someday.
14. I am not fond of jigsaw puzzles, but when I come across one in progress I always help for awhile.
15. I hate black pepper. I refuse to even cook with it.
16. I love chick flicks and Historical romance novels.
Special for LJ
1. I have scoliosis. My spine has a 3 or 4 degree turn in it, you would think this isn't much, but it tilts my hips out of alignment and it is really hard for me to stand up straight. It has caused me lower back pain for a majority of my life. My mom works for a chiropractor which helps a lot!
2. I am a Peanut Butter bigot. I will only eat regular Jif Creamy Peanut Butter. I am the same way about Hienz Ketchup.
3. I do not know how to swim. As a kid I took swimming lessons. but I was afraid to put my face in the water and so failed. I think that fear partially stemmed from the fact that my instructor was a woman who did not shave her pubes and they would float up like something coming after you. Which is both scary and really gross.
4. As a kid I tried to start a journal or diary multiple times, but never had the discipline to write in it more than two or three times. I think I have done marginally better with LJ.