Halloween Weekend 2008

Nov 03, 2008 12:53

So, my plans for Halloween were to Pass Out Candy, go to Octavio's Haunted House, drive down to Lady Solvieg's Paint all day Saturday, then finish on Sunday and drive back home. That's not quite what happened! Sir Osric's youngest daughter told me I HAD to go Trick or Treating with them. So, I spent 2.5 hours running from House to House with 4 kids and collected like 5lbs of Candy. After he took his kids to their mom's place, he, Blackie, and I headed to Rocktavio's Haunted House (that's what we programmed the Garmin to say). We met up with Vlad, Vegor, Burgolf and his lady (I use the term loosely), Sarah. We stood in line forever! The Haunted House was pretty good. It wasn't really scary to me (I jumped twice) but Vegor jumped at everything! They were only letting people in 2 or 3 at a time, and I know that they usually go for the 2nd person - so I went in the middle between Vlad and Vegor. (For people who don't know who theses guys are - Vlad is close to 7 feet tall and Vegor is about 5'7". I am 5'9.5"). It was fun, I laughed through most of it. Vlad made fun of me because I was holding on to Vegor's t-shirt - I was steering him - every time there was a choice between what direction to take he turned us into the wall! When we came out of the HH we ended up waiting for Octavio forever. A girl had a seizure in the Light Strobe room. so they had to shut down for awhile. Anyway, we ended up on the way to Ohio after Midnight. We rolled into Shaker Hieghts at about 5am, and (evil) Sir Osric got us up around 8 to start painting. I spackled (there were lots of random holes in the walls), while everyone else moved furniture out. We ate breakfast - a breakfast cassorole in shifts. Then we primed with Killz. The paint color on the dining room wall was turquiose, and one of the bedrooms was eggplant purple. We were painting 4 rooms and a hallway. When we were done with the ceilings (we didn't Killz them) and Killz on the walls we broke for lunch. A Bean Soup with chunks of Ham in it, I didn't really like it, but I ate it because I knew I needed protien. Then we painted, my family is amazed because they had me cutting in - I am not known for my steady hand. As soon as we had all the walls painted and stuff cleaned up we headed for home. We got back to Sir Osric's house around 10pm. I took Octavio home, then headed home myself surprising my family when I walked in the door around 11:30, they weren't expecting me until Sunday afternoon.
Sunday I went to church, which was a special Stewardship brunch - they feed you when they ask for money. Then I spent 7 hours helping a friend of my parents packing her house. (Her husband passed away and she is sorting through 40 years worth of stuff deciding what to pu in storage and what to move to FL or her daughter's house).

I am exhausted.

work, busy, halloween, painting

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