Trek Mix

Feb 27, 2008 12:13

Last Night, I couldn't fall asleep and was watching TV. I ended up watching Oprah. The whole show was an interview with Valerie Bertinelli (a TV star I am too young to remember), because she wrote a book called Losing It, essentially her autobiography about all the bad stuff she did especially while married to Eddie Van Halen, and her struggle with weight and body image. Which of course made me think about my weight, and how I should really get fit. After the show I turned off the television and went to sleep. I haven't remember a dream in a long time, but I woke up this morning remembering this one:
I wrote a letter to Dr. Phil (I don't know why it wasn't Oprah since she was what I was watching). "Dear Dr. Phil,
You have done shows on people with ADD, people who are overweight, people who have trouble with their finances, singles, and people whose life generally sucks. I embody every single one of those problems." I was apparently on the show because I woke up during the intro part where the camera scrolls down the handwritten letter with my voice-over.


This morning I actually started moving before 11:30, and I watched 'The View'. Nathan Lane was on plugging his new play and then they had this girl named Bitsy on. She was plugging a show that was airing on NBC that night called 'quarterlife', the interview made the show look really interesting and I watched it. I fully understand that it is aimed right at my 25 year old self, but I didn't expect to feel such a connection to the characters of a one hour television show, which I did while at the same time feeling like I'm a loser, because at least those people have real life friends that live close enough to hang out with and they don't live with their parents.
When I Googled 'quarterlife', because I'm a dork like that, I found this wikipedia article on the  'quarterlife-crisis'.
According to the Article:

Characteristics of quarter-life crisis may include:

*   feeling "not good enough" because one can't find a job that is at one's academic/intellectual level

  • frustration with relationships, the working world, and finding a suitable job or career

  • confusion of identity
  • insecurity concerning long-term plans, life goals

  • insecurity regarding present accomplishments

  • re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships

  • disappointment with one's job

  • nostalgia for university, college, high school or elementary school life

  • tendency to hold stronger opinions

  • boredom with social interactions

  • loss of closeness to high school and college friends

  • financially-rooted stress (overwhelming college loans, unanticipatedly high cost of living, etc.)

  • loneliness

  • desire to have children

  • a sense that everyone is, somehow, doing better than you

These emotions and insecurities are not uncommon at this age, nor at any age in adult life. In the context of the quarter-life crisis, however, they occur shortly after a young person - usually an educated professional, in this context - enters the "real world".

According to this article I am firmly embedded in this crisis. I fit the entire list 98% of the time. I'm not sure about "tendency to hold stronger opinions", stronger than who? The article says nothing about fixing it, but it lists several external links including a 25 year old Australian guy who's traveling the world and interviewing people who are having quarterlife crises, and a site that claims itself to be 'a one-stop info shop for recent grads and beyond.

Today, we got a lot of snow. I'm tired of Winter.

On my way home from tutoring, I stopped at the Marathon gas Station in A2 on Washtenaw by Borders and paid $3.02/gallon! After pumping gas, I had to go to the bathroom, and remembering that a book I've been waiting for (Heroes Adrift) came out today, I swung by Borders. Since, it's essentially just down the road from Borders, I went to Trader Joe's to pick up 'Chocolate Covered Sunflower Seeds!' I also ended up getting my favorite Trail Mix - 'Sweet, Savory & Tart Trek Mix' , some fruit leather and a dog toy for Daisy (I should've gotten Belle one too, she looked so sad when I didn't have anything for her.) Maybe when I get paid I'll pick one up for each of them and some cat cookies for me.

I think when I have a running car, I'm going to hit Brighton Rec and get a Yearly Parks Pass and start walking the trails, partially to get more in shape for Pennsic, partly to just get in shape and also to take more pictures.

Lately I've been listening to Joshua Radin's Music, particularly "The Fear You Won't Fall".  I can totally see someone singing "You Got Growing Up to Do" to me and completely meaning it! If you've ever heard that song you'd totally agree!

If our cd burner would work I'd totally burn a cd with:
1. The Fear You Won't Fall - Joshua Radin
2. If I Ever Leave This World Behind - Flogging Molly
3. Somewhere Out There - from 'An American Tale'
4. Consequence Free - Great Big Sea
5. We Might Fall - Ryan Star
6. Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
7. Ordinary Day - Carbon Leaf
8. Barrel of a Gun - Guster
9. CSI theme song
10. You Got Growing Up to Do - Joshua Radin

weird, depressed, food, fun, csi, random, music, crazy, frustration

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