Aug 27, 2007 20:14
I spent the afternoon alternately pushing a stroller in circles and running to the bathroom to let a Toddler throw up. He woke up from his nap at 1:00pm and started puking. His parents were called to come and get him His dad finally came at 4:30pm. He works in the same town as the center. At quarter to four, a second child from the same classroom was thrust into my arms. She hadn't thrown up, but her temp was high and she was really glassy-eyed. I was supposed to leave at 5 because I didn't get a lunch today, and had just handed the little girl to a co-worker when the poor baby threw up all over the hallway (and herself, and my co-worker - I am so glad I wasn't holding her anymore!). So, I ended up staying until 5:30. I hope I don't get this thing. I came home from work and took a long, hot shower. I still kind of feel like I smell like puke.
I got a phone call today, I am cast as the Bridesmaid, Rhoda, in the Livingston Player's community theatre production of "'Til Death Do Us Part". I wonder if I get to die. That'd be cool.