pre-Wedding feelings Monday Edition

Jul 03, 2007 00:01

eXtreme Fear: Tomorrow I have to get my eyebrows waxed. I have never had them done before. I have plucked them a few times. I am a wimp. I am afraid of the pain.

Anger: I am mad at two people who have died because they won't be at my sister's wedding (or mine in that distant future land). I am mad at my best friend since fourth grade's father (my dad's friend), Robin, and at a family friend, Frank. He died just this winter past. It's not even my wedding and I'm mad at them. I was trying to rationalize with myself and tell myself that it isn't their fault they died, but really it was, neither one of them was properly taking care of himself. Obviously, I haven't settled these anger issues.

Excitement: I am finally getting a little brother! Yes, Jonathan is taller than me, but he is about a year younger than me, which makes him a little brother.

Dread: My heels are high and I feel wobbly. I am terrified that I will lock my knees and pass out. Or that I will look like a Weeble wobbling but not falling down.

Relief: Soon our house will be cooler - no more 'wedding stuff' piled up to the ceiling in corners.

Sadness: I feel like I am losing my younger sister.

Anxious: My family is crazy. Everyone is crabby and short tempered. I am crabby and short tempered. I don't understand it.The atmosphere in my house is like when one of us graduated High School except intensified 1000x.

sad, anger, crazy, relieved, fear, wedding, anxious

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