My Birthday Weekend

Sep 11, 2006 20:35

My Birthday was Saturday.
On my birthday my sister's (Rachel) horse (Teddie Bear) died. He was only seven years old (that's young for a horse - they live to be 30ish). There had been someone partying & setting off fireworks all night - the barn manager checked on the horses at 4:00am and everyone was okay - spooked but okay. At 8:00am when she went to feed, he was just dead in the paddock. Lying there like a toy horse that had been knocked over. He's her first horse.
On top of all that I had to work from 6pm-11:30pm, at Borders, at the Information Desk. I had to be helpful and friendly.
Sunday was an emotional roller coaster. At church we celebrated our church's 4th Anniversary, and during the service we watched a 125 year celebration video done by the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Michigan District, which was cool because our church was featured in the video. (Smiles) One of the families, the McDonalds, from our church was also featured in the video. Joseph (19 months old), the youngest of the family, drowned the afternoon the video was filmed. His mom gave a testimony. I don't think anyone in the church was dry-eyed. (Tears) Then we had the dedication of our brand new Flag pole. (Smiles) Followed by a Build-You-Own-Sundae. (Big Smiles) Then went home, went to wal-mart (really needed toothpaste & deodorant), went to TSC (Tractor Supply Co - we still needed grain for my sister's pony), then went to the farm. The barn manager made a little memory bench/garden for my sister. (Tears again) Went home, mom made chicken/broccoli fettucine for my birthday dinner. (Smiles) Then went to the SCA meeting (Some smiling). Went home and had cake (with curly candles!) and opened my presents! I'm such a little kid. I just LOVE getting presents. I got a lot of yarn for my Inkle Loom (Now, I have to learn how to warp it!) and a basket(from my younger sister, Sarah), a pair of earrings (from Sarah's fiance - she was proud of him for going shopping), a (modern) tent (from my next younger sister, Emmy), two movie rentals (from my youngest sister, Rachel), and more yarn from my parents. Yarn was on my list and it's all pretty and I'm excited even though it may sound boring. From friends, I got Grunt by Sandra Boynton, a wizard-y party hat, and a plush mounted Moose Head (I have collected Moose since I was 11). We watched Nanny McFee (one of the movie rentals) before going to bed - it was cute, kind of a Mary Poppins meets Cinderella.

church, horses, sad, moose, birthday

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