15 Years of Torchwood:
Everyones writing how ground breaking it was and what it meant for them and UK scifi in general...
What can I say about this show that I've not said before?
It opened the door to Conventions for me. first convention I will ever willingly admit to is a Torchwood convention, and it snowballed from there ;) .
last convention I did before the pandemic was B5 but i'd never have gotten there if not for Torchwood and what t gave me.. like my Frends.
The Show..showed me what real friends were.. won't go into detail for my own sake but lets say there was a 25th birthday revelation I should have sat with, but that took me another maybe 5 yrs to really realise.
My Pack.. Allly and Heather, Torchwood made us, the other shows and things just acted as bindweed to hold things together as w cemented who we were to one another. torchwood was/is the backbone.
The other maddies, aliens and oddballs i'v met along the way mean the world to me and I hope they know who they are.
While I already knew I wasnt exactly 'straight' Torchwood gave me more exposure into the LGBTQIA+ and got me really thinking and researching, as I told John the first time i met him at a convention, Torchwood led the way to me affirming that I was Aromantic-Asexual, made a few of my frends laugh, thanking the most overly sexual man for hlping realise I don't like sex or romance, but its the truth ( this then led to the upside down flag pic).
The Key things I believe make up the lttle good in my life, can all find their roots in 5 oddballs working underneath Cardiff along side a prehistoric dinosaur (and Suzie) protecting the world from Aliens.
Not sure whats to come for the Fandom, the Franchise or me, but I owe this show a lot and just wanted to acknowledge that fact.