Old Fandom’s never die: Babylon 5 UK Event Announced officially

Nov 02, 2019 17:34

I was going to do a vlog. but I decided my ugly mug is uglier than usual this weekend so:

Old Fandom’s never die:

My first ever Starfury, after getting annoyed at Star Wars fans and challenging someone to Den'Sha, only for them to actually know what it was. Floored me! I literally could not say a word.
Of course at the time I didn't know Starfury started with b5 cons, (yes I’m the idiot who didn't make the connection with the name ha bloody ha)

I started conventions at the wrong time for so many reasons, not least the B5 reasons...call it age, call it location, call it genrally living in the arse end of nowhere.
I literally felt like the only geek in the whole village, and got bullied like it too. High school was no different, small town small minds you know the song.
Only one person can vouch for how completely bowled over I was in my first week at college, finding out I wasn't the only sci-fi geek for miles, and finding that fact through Babylon 5. As well as making an amazing friend.

And now FCD... ask for me end of February and you will find me a grave man...because i will b dead from being surrounded by B5 fans. I am going if it takes every coin I have!
And the timing is perfect for other reasons but I don't want to bring myself down, those who know, know.

So. Anyway. B5 ... the show that made me realise that maybe, just maybe. England actually made some good actors.

fcd events, babylon 5

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