Wolfsbane I

Sep 07, 2013 11:44

ok so this is gonna be short and rambling, I need to start writing these things the day after cons again

Wolfsbane I 30-1st august/September 2013

Tek'ma'te JR

8 years ago I missed an opportunity to face a Tok'ra...a man who had changed and saved Stargate for me, season 2 was dragging before he and his kind appeared, and due to circumstances beyond my control I was unable to meet the man behind the glowing eyes, and it was purported to be his final uk con:

of-course when actors say stuff like that they rarley anticipate another show their going to star in gaining the status of the last,
Teen Wolf gave me a 2nd chance, and I took it with vigor.
I am getting used to my favorite actors being nothing like I expect, and have yet to find that a bad thing. JR Bourne (Martouf/Lantesh and now Chris Argent) Is an amazing man, more so than my strange little imagination could conjure, he is as blue as any fan, and has a RL smile to rival the one he gave Martouf .

of all the questions in my head the one I had to ask was about the difference, JR told me that the way he diferenciated Martouf from the symbiote Lantesh was that Lantesh was a warrior and Martouf was a lover, sounds like an easy answer, but when you listen to Lantesh in the begining he could actually be either, and he said that the bow was the other way of changing, I didn't mean too but I bowed slightly as he said it, it wasn't meant to be an affect of the Tok'ra bow but a nod to thank him for explaining and he said "exactly."

now after previous attempts with other SG-1 actors, i was a little wary of showing my knowledge of Goa'uld and I admit I hesitated a lot, but JR responded to Tek'ma'te and Chelnak, and he even called the Tok'ra the Tok'ra which may seem weird, but i've heard interviews where other Tok'ra actors have refered to them as Goa'uld, but I shouldn't really be supprised, it is JR after all :D

ok so everyone and their symbiote knows i've got a problem with hugs and physical stuff, but after Heather went up and asked him to hold her hand, and he realised it was from Stargate (not that her dressed like Sam and me with a gate round my neck wasn't a giveaway) I couldn't think what to ask him to do pose wise, I ended up saying it was upto him, and he said no "its stargate day." i think i said something about supposed to being Tok'ra like that was gonna help (can't afford to make the actual unifrom) and he said "your Tok'ra I'm Tok'ra!" and that sentence was like drawing a ribbon device at my head, I disolved mentally, i couldn't think straight, I told him I couldn't believe I was finally beside him and even more that i was face to face with him, and he said "yes your next to me!" and grabbed me in to a hug, as you can see its taking all my Kalash not to die on the spot

JR got me to admit to calling out in their first Q and A, someone said what will Chris do now, or something to that effect and I called "Kill Scott." and ducked as best I could, now, if it had been someone else to say "who said that" even Tyler, I don't think i'd have responded but that could just be vanity, but when JR looked around and asked i sat up and put my hand up, he laughed, and said I was proud of it.
  1. JR spent the convention making pairing and slash names,
  2. he is convinced Martouf and Danny would work together
  3. he says Chris would prefer Lantesh to Martouf (warrior to warrior)
  4. he seemed to like taking the mic out of Chris saying he's the worst hunter ever.
  5. his answer to everything was "i'd have a beer with..."
  6. his favorite swear word (after consulting someone behind the stage) is C*nt*b*ll*x. not sure i've spelled that right
Hale to the Alpha (even if he isn't anymore in s3)

JR wasn't my first reason for going, he was just one hell of a suprise addition, my reason for going guest wise was Tyler Hoechlin,
this man changed my opinion of Werewolves, and I told him that fact it was one of the things I'd been intending to do since day one, hell it was probably one of the only things on my list of dream things to do at Wolfsbane that I actually managed.

this is why I need to write these things sooner, i can't remember what i actually asked Tyler apart from had he shaved since the Aftershow rehab hour, which he said had been over two years ago (which knocked me on my ass) and I said he and the fans were being really harsh on Derek, that making him turn Mushy like Scott wasn't a good idea. ok Mushy wasn't the word I intended, but when you've got JR and Tyler staring you down its not that easy to think (a bit like back at A8 with Mark and Misha)

I'm not a fan of my picture with him, he distracted me because he remembered me from what I'd said about Scott and then decided he loved my claws (silver ring claws where as most ofthers were wearing actuall like fake nails) and I had intended to be dressed as Derek but hadn't been able to find a wig so my Vneck and jacket look a little weird, and ... he's smiling. I know its a smile that could melt ice but as most people know one of the reasons I love Derek is his darkness.

Geeks and Downworlders

Stephen Lunsford (Matt the Kanima controller, s2) Had recently been announced as the narrator for Bane Chronicles book 5 and had become an instant fan of Cassandra Clares work,

In autographs I asked him if he'd be a Shadowhunter or a Downworlder and he said Downworlder because their more fun, he said he wished he had a british accent like the other narrators and I said as far as I knew there were two other American narrators of Cassandras books but he quoted Daniel (Isaac) and Moriarty, who I think Is the BBC moriarty from Sherlock,

as I walked off I looked at the auto and he's written "nice outfit." now, i'd not changed out of my sg-1 greens from the photo with JR so I wondered if he was a fan, but later as Heather was getting Linden Ashbys autograph I heard a word from Stephen that I'd recognise anywhere "Winchesters" and it hit me, my green shirt is my Dean shirt, and apart from bracelets, and my green jeans i was more or less dressed in my Dean cosplay, i was beaming,
at the questions the next day first I asked Stephen if he thought Dean could be a Shadowhunter, he agreed with me and said yes, and then ofcourse I asked what type of Downworlder HE would be after his answer in the autos the day before he said Fae or Vampire,

keahu kahuanui (Danny) turned out to be a Stargate fan, sparking JR's idea of Danny/Martouf, I agreed if it was Martouf but not Lantesh.
he was determined that If Danny ever finds out he's dating a Wolf... and ALpha at that, he won't do a Bella swan "oh bite me, just bite me." but believe me, Keahu's Bella impression is awesome

I went to the convention knowing Keahu and Stephen were cool, but I didn't realize just how cool, and now I look forward to seeing what they do next and hopefully meeting them again someday

verse in view
It was weird being at a convention, especially in London, but in general without Ally, i'd not done it since 2008 and Hub 2.

Being one of only a vetran convention girls (that I knew of) in attendance wasn't as odd as I expected, looking at the weird expressions when some of the con dances were explained was funny as.

I made some aces friends, had some odd conversations, and ofcourse, ended up very broke :D
one thing this convention taught me was just how... i'd say strong, but I think True works better, so just how True the Parabatai style connection is between me and Heather,

I've already started a counter for Wolfsbane II which is gonna be In july in Birmingham http://midnightmurdina.livejournal.com/47875.html

picspam time

tyler hoechlin stephen lunsford, jr bourne, keahu kahuanui, wolfsbane

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