(no subject)

Mar 22, 2005 06:26

okay...heres the deal, by the end of summer i am gonna have a new computer. all the parts i lack come up to around 700. then for either my 21st or christmas im asking for a new monitor. not just any monitor, its 2 side by side 19" lcd monitors. so i will be the mega geek. but, itll be all good cuz im gonna be watching tv on one monitor and aim on the other...or maybe even LJ. lately ive been kinda bored with life. im trying out new things to do that arnt boring. ooo, yesturday i got a new lava lamp. its 27" high. its wicked sweet. i also got a coffee maker to make up for the one that just decided to shit itself and start to torch the filters. some times i miss having my own place. i am really glad that i am out of the place i was living in, but i still wish i had enough to move into a different apt instead of back with my parents. but...then i tihnk of all the money i have saved...well spent...that i woudlnt have had..and it makes up for it. maybe ill go out in a couple hours and look for a better job. even if i had to work 2 jobs for a lil while. i really want that computer and a car...and a place. im also hoping by summer to take wither my network+ or A+ certification exams. then i can do something with my life. maybe soon something will break for me so i can do something better than flip burgers.
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