"It's pointless to question the cultural influences of a sick mind."

Jul 20, 2012 20:32

In the wake of tragedy, should Warner Brothers pull The Dark Knight Rises from theaters?

So, yeah, that's the LJ poll question today.

Not only is the answer NO, but it's a HELL NO from me.

Look, at this point we know nothing about the motives behind the shooting. It's likely they weren't related to Batman or the theater at all. Don't be a reactionary sheeple. Any way or reason, this is the deed of a very mentally unstable person that killed many people that he never knew or never would know him otherwise. In the coming weeks, we'll certainly have the picture of the killer painted for us quite thoroughly in the media, and miscellaneous calls for action to try to prevent this from happening again will be made (and, mostly ignored as the story fades away in the media - such is the way of the human race). Other than taking some time to pause and reflect on this, and maybe to help others that may be having a difficult time coming to terms with this, let me give a bit of personal advice; DON'T LET THE BASTARD WIN. That is to say, don't let the random terrible act of a single person change the way you live your life. Did you have plans to see a movie this weekend, maybe even Batman or Rocky at midnight, and you're considering not going now - please, go. You can't cower under your bed every time a monster roars somewhere in the world, or you're going to spend your whole life under your bed.

ETA: Don't Blame The Dark Knight Rises for Theater Massacre
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