Fic: Charlie Bit Me

Dec 03, 2010 22:03

Title: Charlie Bit Me
Characters/Pairing: John/Sherlock, Gen
Rating: G
Genre: Crack/Slight Fluff
Disclaimer: No right over the boys from Sherlock or from Charlie Bit Me. Not getting a penny. '
Summary: Sherlock discovers the most popular youtube video, and is actually amused.
A/N:  Yes this is inspired by the youtube video. Its implausible but thats why its crack. No offence to the real boys in the video, Harry and Charlie, of course. First Sherlock fanfic for me, not that its an excuse.

Comments welcome, concrit welcome! Thanks in advance.

“John, come look at this video here.” Sherlock said, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

John sauntered over, a cup of tea in his hands. “Yeah? Is it about the case?”

He sipped his tea casually, then nearly chocked when he saw what was on Sherlock's screen.

“Charlie bit me.” An innocent voice came from the laptop.

“Really Sherlock, why are you amusing yourself with such drivel. Aren't you on a case?” John wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeves, trying to cover up his surprise.

The toddlers' innocent laughter triggered an out of character slight smile on Sherlock's face. “Molly sent me this link. I find it rather amusing.”

“But what about the ca-”

“I've solved it.” Sherlock replied curtly, replaying the video again.

“Have you contacted Lestrade?” John tried to engage Sherlock's attention.

“No. It can wait.”

“So you're letting a criminal be on the loose while you watch baby videos?” John said, attempting to drink his tea nonchalantly.

“It won't matter. Besides,” Sherlock gave a slight chuckle, “the babies are rather adorable, especially the blond boy.”

John sputtered. Sherlock gave him a look. “Are you quite alright?”

“Yeah yeah,” John said, pointing to his tea mug, “too hot.”

Sherlock turned back to the laughing toddlers. “I wonder what his name is.”

John leaned down and looked at the title of the video. “Charlie, isn't it.”

“No not the baby, the toddler. He's rather good-natured for a child. Even after being put-upon like that, he doesn't cry, or get angry. He must possesses incredible patience and gentleness..” Sherlock started to scroll down and click on the video information.

“Nononodont” John nearly poured tea all over Sherlock in his haste to stop him.

Sherlock stared at him, surprised, “What has gotten into you John?”

John looked back, slightly mortified and wide-eyed. “Um, its just...I...want to watch it again.”

Sherlock's eyes narrowed a fraction with suspicion. John could sense his brilliant mind churning, and he knew all was lost.

“The uploader's name is HW512. As I recall, your sister's birthday is May 12th, isn't it?”

John wanted to feign nonchalance, even though he knew it was useless. “So?”

Sherlock had a one-sided smirk. He turned back to the laptop and scrolled down to read the info. “'Video of my little brother John and cousin Charlie. Even as a baby, John is ever the doormat.'” His one sided smirk had turned into a full one as he tilted to look at John, whose ears now had a tinge of pink.

“I knew Harry had all the old tapes Mom took of us as kids, but I never thought she would do this with it.”

“You were much more amusing as a child.” Sherlock's eyes were twinkling with laughter by now.

John gave a fake smile. “Haha, very funny. This one's alright but there were some footage I'd rather not show the whole internet. And by the way, it really did hurt! Hey, don't 'thumbs-up' it!”

“Would you rather I 'dislike'? Its already an internet sensation, one more vote wouldn't make a difference.”

“Sensation? How do you mean?”

“255 million views. Not counting the views for the remixes and parodies.”

John's eyebrows shot up. “255 million? Blimey, just to see babies with English accents? If I had a penny every time someone watched it..”

“Judging by the adverts, I believe your sister is cashing in as best she can.”

John rolled his eyes, trust Harry to exploit John's childhood innocence even now. He cringed as he heard his own baby laughter. He sounded so carefree. He can't remember the last time he had laughed out loud like that.

“Do me a favor Sherlock, don't watch it anymore. And don't watch the other videos she uploaded either.”

Sherlock considered it for a moment. He decided he was feeling a bit peckish. “Alright, fine, but only if you do a Tesco run and buy me the dark chocolate chip biscuits. The ones I like, seven centimeters in diameter, not the ones with twelve chips per biscuit.”

It wasn't nearly a fair trade-off, but with Sherlock, it was as good as John could hope for. He put down his tea and grabbed his coat.

The moment John was out the door, Sherlock added the video to his favorites, and pressed replay.

crack, sherlock bbc

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