Mar 28, 2014 21:15
Life over the last month has been an emotional roller coaster. Doing a kickstarter is damaging to one's confidence. It's great to see the people who are supportive but it's hard not to be hurt by the people who aren't. People I thought would help aren't, and can they all honestly not spare $10? I don't believe it. I know in a way it's selfish of me to just expect them to give but... i do. And it hurts that they don't.
I see myself as the kind of friend who is there for people. I'll get out of bed at 3am to pick someone's drunk ass up or drive them to the airport at 5 in the morning. But no, they aren't there for me when i need them.
It's kind of funny too, none of my saxophone professors have donated. What's up with that? We'll see if they do but i doubt they will, thanks for the support guys. Glad your proud of your product.
On another note, I don't like one of the pieces i was sent. And I was honest to the composer about it. But he doesn't want to change it. Dude, I'm recording it! And chances are I am paying to do the recording. So, why don't you care that i don't like it? I will play it the minimum of 3 times that are stipulated in the contract and never again. Dick. I was brave enough to be honest and he's being stubborn and lazy. Damn. And he wanted to do more movements later on, well he can forget that.
It's a busy week as people are trying to finish up their pieces, the deadline is April 1. So I'm recording a lot of samples to send to people. There will probably still be tweaks and edits after the deadline but at least i should have relatively solid stuff to work on soon. Well, I do. I have 4 out of the remaining 5 right now. Eek!
I chopped my hair off, back to a short do. It's about time, I don't know what I was thinking trying to grow it out. Another change, I'm trying to quit smoking with Ash for her b-day. So far I'm finding it very challenging and I think the e cigarette is stupid and doesn't really do anything.
Enough topic jumping for now.