Keep my WHAT clean?

Dec 18, 2008 08:12

In 2009, midnighteve resolves to...
Buy new video games.
Cut down to ten dynasty warriors a day.
Volunteer to spend time with kamikaze girls.
Take evening classes in hachi.
Keep my nana clean.
Admit my true feelings to sworntotheblack.

So, of course after avoiding my LJ posting duties for so long, of all things to post, I do this. XD God, some of those things are weird.

Yes, I would like to resolve to buy more video games...but I think I need to play the ones I have first ^^;;

And I'll avoid hanging out with "Kamikaze girls" thank you. (That just doesn't seem very good for my health :(

My true feelings...o_O;;; I think Pauline would have a bone to pick with me if I did that or even had any of those o_O;;; Yikes.

I'll make a post about secret santa here later maybe...but for now, I need to get a hold of Janis!
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