Church, Birthdays and Nana...

Dec 06, 2006 07:28

Should I be worried that I mis-typed "Church" like three times o_O;;;

Okay, so this is another one of my gigantic photo posts XD The contents of which contain:

A Church-Christmas dessert social thing...

Jackie's B-day dinner at P. F. Chang's (with free dessert and cake)

All my recently procured Nana swag (cause I'm really sick of seeing Gundam SEED on my walls now -.-;;; )

Eventually, I'll post something else show casing my newly decorated walls and my clean room. (Shut up, Adrian! It's perfectly possible!)

Ugh...the dust is clogging my lungs x_X

Anyway, for now, Hachi!

So, I guess we'll start with Chruch, right?

Now, I'm sure people are all like "Erica goes to church? WTF?!" but it was more like I got invited to a dessert-social thingie by Jackie and her mom. They offered pretty desserts, music and dancing. It was pretty cool ^^; Well, up until the guest speaker lady began to tell the tale of how miserable her life was until she found "God". >_> It's was soooo depressing. I especially LOVED the part where her friend basically burst into her house to tell her "You're a sinner! Have a nice day!" Yikes.

Anyway, that aside, I got some pretty nice pics ^_^

Christmas tree. There were two of them I believe...

Our table...(Lucky?) number 13~ I loved the centerpiece ^_^

Time for dessert~

My fruit pastry thingie....I forgot what you call them....I think Aramis knows...

Cheesecake and Rasberry Truffle! So yummy! X3

Close up~

Doesn't the Truffle look awesome? I totally didn't want to eat my desserts ^^; I just wanted to take pics all day :p

And so, moving on~

This past weekend Jackie celebrated her 24th B-day! (It was actually Dec.4th...) Jackie's parents invited me along to P. F. Changs where they were going to celebrate early on Sunday~ I had never been, so I was looking forward to it ^_^

Inside, the place was really nice. I loved the ambiance~

I dunno, something aboutthe place made me think that "Oh, so *this* is what it would look like". It was laid out like how I used to see old Chinese movies would lay out their resturant. It was really cool and I felt lost in the moment at times~

Ta-da~ OKay, so I don't know what I"m "ta-da"-ing about, but no, the cake is not on fire ^^;; But it's kind of a cool effect, right? This was Jackie's free dessert for being the B-day girl~ She didn't seem to like it much, but I kinda did. It tasted like a mild Chocolate Torte. Mainly though, I love the presentation ^_^

Overall though, the food was good, but not the best I've ever tasted. But I'm still thankful for Jackie's family for allowing me to come along :) Lemon chicken wise though, I still think Jade House has them beat ^^;; However, if you want a really nice visual experience, you can't go wrong there. It's really pretty~

Oh, one last thing on the topic of B-days~ The cake!

I dub thee: "Moose poop!"

This chocolate mousse cake was really yummy ^^ But it did look kinda funky too, thus the name ^^;;

Now onto the last topic! Nana swag~

Anyone whos been around me lately knows I've been falling in love with eth anime "Nana", but now I actually have some merchandise, and I plan to decorate my room with it sometime soon ^^ (I need a change of pace anyway~)

So, in order of purchase~

These are cute little "can pins" (as he box calls it) with random Nana logos on it ^_^ I got them for a couple bucks each at MItsuwa~ I stil want one ro two more of the designs, but I think Mitsuwa keeps running out ^^; Oh well. The ones I got rock~

The Nana mousepad! I got this one from a chick on ebay who actually lived in instead of having her ship it to me, we met up and I bought it from her in person. It was about ten bucks, but I really liked the design and it just looked pretty damn cool ^^; It's made of really thick rubber too! Yay!

The wallscroll! I would use a stock pic, but it looks better on my wall ^^ Once again, eBay was my friend. This took the place of my Gundam SEED wallscroll. Below are some other posters I bought but haven't put up yet~

Yay for Nana "Tribute" album!

This CD is quite honestly one of the best CD's I"ve heard in a long time! It's awesome and it's awesomeness it even on the outside as well!

Cool isn't it? (That's Shin up there FIY) But yeah, there is one problem....

and it's this...

Something's up with this will NOT play in my computer. It won't play in my stereo. It'll play in my DVD player in the living room and it'll play in my car CD player.

I don't get it.

But it at least explains the lack of MP3's out there. >_> I still wanna rip them into them though cause I wanna listen to them on my comp. But oh well. The car it is then. I still love it all the same ^_^

Finally, the last thing I bought Nana related was a Vivianne Westwood Logo necklace thingie:

It's not the same necklace, but it's similiar: (a bigger pic)

Obviously, its' counterfiet...duh. I bought it from someone in Hong Kong. But, you know, the other "official" ones, or so they claim, look junkier and the real things are like 500 bucks. Mine's not looking so bad to me right now *laughs* Mainly, I got it cause I think it would look cute~ (I'm a sucker for silver themed jewery~) It just got shipped the other day, so I"m looking forward to it in the mail, hopefully sometime soon~

So yeah, thus ends my long pic entry~ Hopefully everyone enjoyed looking at purdy pics...and please, comment! My journal gets so lonely XD
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