my evening last night with NIN was amazing. absolutly fucking amazing. trent is an incredible artist. the lighting was phenominal. absolutly marvelous. the lighting consited of an overhead rig (stationary), two side bars hung on moveable flys, and several trees placed speratically throughout the stage. there were also pieces flown in that were lit
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As for Bush and war and stuff like that I have a unique opinion. first off anyone *coughMUSCICIANScoughMEDIAcoughACTORScough* who spout off Bush this and Bush that i imediately write off as not haveing a valid opinion worth listening to. The truth of the matter is that the only armed forces BUSH could send in are the Marines. They are the only branch that can be sent in on Executive power alone. For the Army, Navy and Air Force CONGRESS is directly responsible. If they opt to listen to the president or to give him more liberties then just rememebr YOU voted for your Congressmen and Representatives. If not shut the hell up because you forfited your right by not participaitng in the Democratic process. (and there is no Electorial College for Senators and Reps)
Second on things the President IS in charge of stop blaming JUST Bush. Last I heard he has a CABINENT that reports to him to make decisions and that in themselves makes a lot of those decisions he is blamed for. If you want to say the Bush Administration or include the offending parties like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rice, etc then ok.
And FINALLY I am sick and tired of hearing whining and bitching form civilians and college bitches that have nothing better to do than bitch and moan about "Our Troops..." Here is a news flash: no one held a gun to our head and made us enlist. We chose this accepting, many KNOWING, the possibility of war. We CHOSE to put our lives on the line. And quite honestly we are not in a position to question the powers that deploy us. Are there bigger threats to us like North Korea? Yes. But anyone who has taken a good history class knows a) showing a display of military might deters many conflicts. B) If a conflict with N.K. or anyone else arises now we are battle proven and "salty." Besides at this point we are not "raping and piliging" we are acting as a police force while these nations get back on their feet.
But I digress... I am just sick and tired of hearing uneducated trite and in some cases false doctrine preached to the nation by people who get attention by grabbing their crotch on stage or flexing their ass on film. Don't get me started on our "news" programs. I think people should listen MORE to the people involved and seeing the sights first hand than their television and radio and *groans* The internet.
"'Oh I'm an artist.' Big deal! ELVIS was an artist, but that didn't stop him from serving his country during a time of war. That's why he's the KING and you are just a schmuck!"
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