Meme and an acutal update

Dec 30, 2006 17:38

january: well, it's that time of year again where people will make promises to themselves that they will be lucky to keep for a month
february: Finally got my headshots taken.
march: Finished up Tech Sunday, it only took 8 hours *rolls eyes*
april: We closed A Streetcar Named Desire this afternoon.
may: Hey Jess!
june: Another Sunday matinee.
july: So yesterday at work I dropped my phone and it landed in some water, thus frying it.
august: It seems i have been gently proded into making an update.
september: Okay, so i'm working at unpacking.
october: i hate politicians.
november: I made it into Acting 1!
december: I am finished with term papers!

Not sure what this says about me.

It's the end of the year, and I have no intention of making resolutions at this point in time. Of course I still have two days to change my mind. As for last year:
1. go to KCACTF
2. audition for LAMDA
check, disaster though it turned out to be.
3. transfer
Hmmm, maybe I should make some. I did well this year. Anyway, all of the christmas decorations have put away for another 11 months or so and the parents left a couple of days ago. They came to me instead of me going to them because of working Into the Woods. I wanted to go done to the bay area for a few days to see everyone, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen until sometime in February, I can work out an appropriate time. I did well in all of my classes and even managed to make the Dean's List, whatever that means. Here's to hoping I do well next term as well. I'll be going to the bookstore sometime this week to pick up my books and stuff and I should be getting FinAid check for the term soon (yea rent money!). My black gloves died something fierce, so I bought myself a new pair. I love after Christmas sales. You can get a lot for a little.

The day after Christmas Mya and MaryAnn came up for a few days to visit and, for Mya, find a place to live. She was successful. I think she even found a job. We went ice skating Thrusday afternoon before I had to go House Manage Woods. I managed not to be the first one to fall, that went to MaryAnn, but I did fall twice which was more than anyone else. The second time I fell, I slammed my knee into the ice and it still hurts. I can walk without limping now, but it still hurts like a bitch to bend it. Mike brought his camera so there will be pictures soon. Tomorrow I'll be at the theatre for the New Year's Eve Gala performance of Into the Woods. The play won't end until almost 11pm so who knows what time I'll get home. Then one more week of vacation before back to school. Yikes! I'm currently loading my entire CD collection onto my laptop so that I can make one long playlist out of it and then listen to it as I do my homework for the rest of the school year, and maybe even beyond. I'm on 6 of 150 or so. That's a lot of hours of music, so I'll probably finish just in time to start my first assignment of the year.

Now I'm off to change icons.
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