The 'Screw You, Canon!' Merlin Art/Ficathon.

Dec 19, 2010 02:27

Canon has a long-standing tradition of screwing over ships we come to love and secretly wish will happen. BBC's Merlin is no exception. This Christmas, I say we make our own canon and embrace our doomed/rare/cracky ships!

HOW IT WORKS: You leave a comment with prompts in the comments. You respond to other prompts with fic or art. Love is shared! Yay!

1. All prompts must pertain to ships that have been, in one way or another, screwed over in canon. This can include pairings that had loads of chemistry but never led anywhere, suddenly decided to hate each other, and even characters that have had little or no actual screen-time. IE: established canon ships are not to be included here.
YES! Arthur/Morgana, Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Merlin, Morgana/Gwen, Uther/Morgana, Leon/Morgana, Morgana/Morgause, etc.

NO! Arthur/Gwen, Lancelot/Gwen, Uther/Ygraine, Merlin/Freya, Uther/Catrina, etc.

**Note: The above are only a few examples. Also, I realize that some pairings may be considered canon by mere popularity, but this meme isn't focusing on fanon or subtext or Ho Yay. Just use your best discretion, and ask in the comments if you are unsure.

2. When filling prompts, please put "SHIP - TITLE OF FIC/ART - RATING" in the subject line. Prompts can include anything from song lyrics to plot ideas to colours. Let your imagination run wild.

3. There will be spoilers for all three series, so be warned!

4. NO DRAMA. There will likely be ships of all sorts. Het, slash, femmeslash, it's all welcome. If you have any issues with something you see, feel free to use your back button. Hate will not be tolerated, plzkthx!

5. Promote! You're welcome to use the following code:">" border="0">
Join the 'SCREW YOU, CANON!' Merlin Art/Ficathon!

** ETA: ** I have created a Diigo list to house all the prompts for easy access! You can filter down the search by tags. (And by all means, if a prompt has already been filled, don't let that stop you from adding another fill! There is no limit! :).)

entry: public, fandom: merlin, fun: art/ficathon

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