Apr 05, 2009 08:58
Romantic Love is a myth. It isn't true. Why? Well, here's what I came up. This is based on opinion. And I'm not saying this because I know love. I'm saying what my knowledge is about love and how I came up with is. And also, my english class was having a discussion about Romantice Love. However, TRUELY, this is OPINION.
Love is not a feeling. Love is based upon your actions. Kids, don't know what love is. They say, 'I love you mommy and daddy,' However, once mommy and daddy do something wrong, the kid says, 'I hate you!' Now, is that love based on action? No, it's based on how the kid feels at the moment. Although, this is a kid and kids are naive. Maybe, that was a bad example haha. But I can't think of any at the moment. Okay...what is love? For the religious definition, God is love and love is God. Now, for those who aren't religious or Catholic, what is love? Again, love isn't a feeling it's based on actions. When you love someone unconditionally, it means you love them under no circumstance right? But how can you love someone unconditionally, when you love them under certain on conditions? In marraige, you have vows, which are the conditions about how to show your love or how you plan to love them. But wait. Where's the unconditional part of it? I'm confused here. So love, romantic love, with the unconditional part of it is a myth. We want that unconditional part of our love, because that is what we see on TV or imagine because of how the media displays love. But it can never happen because we're human, and we love conditions. hahah. However, on a religious perspective, God loves us unconditionally and only he can do that. It's impossible for us humans to love people that way, because....we're humans!
Well, on a sunday morning, I just thought of this haha. For those of you who read this...just know this is based on opinion. I'm not right or wrong. So...correct me if you think I'm wrong or whatever you feel like saying.