Dec 31, 2008 13:08
Today you think about the whole past year and realize that everything that you did this past year has brought you to this day. The last day of that whole year. What are you doing today? You're sitting your ass on the coach on your father's laptop and watching the whole first season of House. Thanks to your friend who let you borrow it. You're reminding yourself, 'Thank God that i'm not one of those patients in the hospital.' And then you think about what you're doing today. Going to Tracy with Pittsburg relatives, and then going to your friend's house counting down the new year. Kid me if I'm wrong, but I think you're also thinking about the shit year you had...well the shit ending you had. The broken heart, the deaths, the arguments, the shit load of school work you deal with. Then you think about the great beginning. The wonderful boyfriend, good family, easy school work. You wish that the next year will be better than the last.