OVA goodness OMGWTFBBQ @_@

Jan 25, 2009 17:38

Just watching the FINAL OVA INSTALLMENT and let me say: I actually cried tears of joy when I saw this. I must sound cheesy just saying that out of the blue like that. Here are my  comments on the final OVA. To some who didn't watch it yet, I'm putting a cut so I won't spoil it for you =D


-Reunion time for Echizen's past opponents=not the type of reunion you'd want to attend with a bunch of people with one thing in common: Getting you ass handled by a kid
-Why Yukimura is the child of god, he just is
-We FINALLY get to see Rikkai's winter AND summer uniform
-Yukimura's scream of agony must broken some heart for Yukimura's fans everywhere. Just made me sad D=
-The it accessory for 2009=Sparkles. Just look at previous OVAs and you'll catch my drift
-It's not only a tennis show, but a blinding light show too.
-Kin chan LOOKED serious for ONCE
-Holy shit the crowd cheered when it was 4 all. Atobe even smiled for this. O_O
-Samurai Nanjiroh in his formal glory just awed Seigaku. What about the rest of the other people hm?
-It is physically impossible for the net to break a TENNIS BALL IN HALF. Only in POT will this ever happen
-And also physically impossible to return the two halves at once at the same moment
-Super saiyan Echizen loses wins (of course)
-Yukimura's angelic smile was prettyful
-Echizen was actually smiling and happy and blushed a bit as well and it was cute. Far from his emo leave me alone, I'm getting ponta attitude. I liked it
-and Momo buchou too
-We catch a final glimpse of the 3rd years which was cool
-WHAT HAPPENED TO 'I'M GOING TO GERMANY TO FUTHER MY TENNIS CAREER?!' Tezuka, I thought you'd be a Germany getting drunk and hangin out with chicks futhering your tennis career
-Engrish the way to go =D

As we all know, POT is a PREQUEL. A LONG ASS PREQUEL. With the new installment of POT coming soon, I can't wait to see this and of course it'll be better than ever because Shitenhouji some of our favourites will come back with twice the godly tennis moves and lots of ass kicking fun!

ova finals, can't wait for new series =p, pot

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