my life is too much of a shitty soap opera to update these days.
sister had baby, dad fucked off with his new girlfriend, sister had c-section complications and almost died.
major fights with father over his abandonment and complete fuckup not being there for my sister and for fucking off with no contact info with his new girlfriend. spent a couple of days with my sister, passed on some more of my mum's and grandmother's jewellery, burned a copy of all the pics of my niece's first month, came home yesterday and last night she was robbed and they took all her jewellery (including what I'd just brought her, my mother's wedding ring, grandmother's stuff, everything) and 2 laptops, one of which had all her beloved photos of her wedding, my wedding, my mother, the baby, everything on it.
so yeah, that's what's new with me. I'm still stuck in canada waiting on my marriage certificate so I can finish my visa application. life's just great.