To a person that values the company of good people, you are the essence of everything that is important. There is something about human receptivity that is so noble, so grand, so elevating. If you've ever been a traveler, hopefully you would have experienced that there are some people who willingly reach out their hand in welcoming, in good-will.
Below the horizontal rule that separates the journal entry from the comments the spirit of friendship is brought to condensation.
I'm a very sensitive reader. I've flowed through the evolution of your entries and I see you pushing past vulnerability and tenderness and breeding a humanity in you that only from the safety of these pages can be fortified against the world out there which demands something so rigid and unyielding from you. And I'm glad to be witness to your transmuting into your finest here.
Worry not, you're dealing with an individual who despises change and has had to work so hard to maintain at center. I wouldn't know what to do with pride and greed but repel from those vices, anyway.
Below the horizontal rule that separates the journal entry from the comments the spirit of friendship is brought to condensation.
I'm a very sensitive reader. I've flowed through the evolution of your entries and I see you pushing past vulnerability and tenderness and breeding a humanity in you that only from the safety of these pages can be fortified against the world out there which demands something so rigid and unyielding from you. And I'm glad to be witness to your transmuting into your finest here.
Worry not, you're dealing with an individual who despises change and has had to work so hard to maintain at center. I wouldn't know what to do with pride and greed but repel from those vices, anyway.
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