Writing Report: Day (What day is this? I don't know. More coffee, please?)

Jun 20, 2011 15:07

It is 100 degrees outside today.  However I expect one of those Saint Benard rescue dogs along at any moment now in my office.  Only I hope he has hot coffee instead of whiskey in his little barrel.  Really wishing I had some gloves right now...

(Long Overdue) Writing Report
I don't have a word count.  I cut huge swaths of text and then add better words, so the word count doesn't change much.  It was tricky keeping track and I found myself being more concerned about my word count and not actually writing.  This seemed counter-productive.  I'm something like two-thirds through the book.  And wow.  Tired.  But also psyched because this rewrite is going soooooo much smoother than any of the others.  It's like the story has finally clicked and the characters are doing what they are supposed to be doing when they are supposed to be doing it.  FINALLY.

Also, I make no promises of grammatical correctness in this post as I'm probably sleep-deprived right now.  Also, I haven't had lunch yet and it's 3 pm.  (What the heck, Day Jobbe?  Why did you decide to 'splode into chaos today?)

Random Aside:  my grocery store has the most amazing strawberries right now.  I've gone back three times for more.  So now I have strawberries with my coffee.  See, I'm eating healthy, Husband!

Anyway, between day job madness and manic (re)writing two moments of pure wonderfulness dropped in my lap today.  (Actually they came from my computer, but anyway.)  First, my wonderful crit. partner shared some happy news which makes me smile at random moments for her.  She and I are both trying to finish edits before the end of June.  Stacy, I can't wait to read the next draft!  Second, I came across this complete and utter gem of a comic.  It has Kermit the Frog and Thor, God of Thunder.  Muppet-Thor.  There are no words to describe how much I love it. http://occasionalcomics.com/muppet-thor/?pid=1

Ok, back to work now.  

kermit the frog, fallen, nonsense, editing, day jobbe, joyous days, writing

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