Nov 15, 2010 14:59
Well, last week was a mix of bad and good news.
1) I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome, but I do have cubital tunnel syndrome. Instead of the median nerve being pinched at my wrist, my ulnar nerve is misbehaving and not staying in the little groove it runs through at my elbow. The bad news is the only treatment is surgery. The good news is there is no permanent damage and the surgery will fix the problem forever. We are waiting to see if Worker's Comp will cover the surgery, but whether yay or nay, the surgery must happen.
2) I had to put my cat to sleep last week. This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. We went to the vet on Wednesday when he stopped eating. I thought he had a bad tooth that was getting worse, possibly infected. He had developed diabetes. He was sick, so much sicker than I had realized. The treatment required just to get him through the night would have been traumatic for him. He was old, had lived a good long healthy life, was the sweetest cat in the whole world, and I couldn't bear to watch him suffer through a disease that was going to wear away at his health and eventually take his life. It was the right decision to let him go peacefully and gently now. But dear God, I miss him. I am heartbroken.
3) Thing 1 brought home the best report card of his life since Kindergarten. Thing 2 won 3 chair trumpet in District Honor Band. Princess C brought home all A's. All in all it is shaping up into a terrific school year for all three kids, which is such a new experience that I'm halfway waiting for the other shoe to drop while cheering over all the wonderful accomplishments. Fingers crossed that good things continue.
4) Zel's Tale is going well. I am behind schedule, but not too far and should mostly catch up this week. This story reminds me of what I love about writing--something I'd forgotten during ten months of editing and revising. We'll see where, if anywhere, this little story takes me and then finish up FALLEN for people to read.
5) We've already started Christmas shopping. We might actually be ahead this year and not have to do last minute shopping the day before. We might also not be completely dead broke at the end of the year and wondering if we can stretch the Christmas leftovers until payday. The mind boggles. There might be something to this organization thing after all.
princess c,
zel's tale,
thing 2,
prometheus the cat,
thing 1,