( i was near the end of the queue.) There was awesome bookness, with dead people and alive people and a lady on a horse who seems terribly familiar though i suppose i'll see about that when i actually read the thing not just listen to chapter 5 with all the right voices:D(side note of extra squee- being read to, in general.) Questions and answers- i think "who would win in a fight, vampire or werewolf?" was an inspired choice. There is also something grand about being among many people who get the references, shorthands- Someone had put in "which do you prefer writng, books for adults or children?" and via Coraline and not really differentiating most of the time, there was the point of American Gods being definitely for adults, "that's why about the 15th word is a swear word... the end of chapter one is the weirdest sex scene i've written and if you get to the end of that and think its a book for kids there's something wrong with you." There's a quality of audience laughter that seems to carry knowing about Bilquis, not just the surface gag. this may be mostly to do with the joy of being in on the joke oneself, of course. And then signing bit. I dithered in the queue as to what to get written on, so much dithering, but i'm happy with what i picked in the end, so thats alright. Handing over the books- all three for Rachel?- yes, my pals were at London. Was told by a helper guy that yes i could have a photo taken, and next lass in the queue said she'd take it, so i hand over camera. "It's an old one, just point and click. yeah, its a film camera, the kind where you don't see what picture you've got for ages".
"the kind where you don't see what picture you've got for ages..schrodinger's photograph."
Ahem. I suppose i ought to apologise for returning with gibberish, but it is good to return at all, yes? and otherwise, had i posted, you'd have got some overly cryptic angsting about something rather daft that is my own doing anyhoo, or much the same level of squee as this about Hamlet next week.
Something that could have easily come out of this evening's stuff, but actually occurred to me the other day:the phrase "fairytale romance" is a bit wrong. Even leaving aside the whole "fairytale wedding" phrase having become very tied to Charles and Diana, all those teeth and bargains and countings out is ever so much uglier than what people use it to mean. And, peversely, more real.
Also, a question: does anyone know a good method for getting songs out of your head that have withstood the awesome power of the addams family theme tune? I am getting fed up with having "jetboy jet girl" (i don't even know if that's the right title, pointers on this would help) going round my head, and i haven't got it to listen to again, which is my usual tactic.
Ok. deep breath. Only three hours sleep last night, i need to calm down and get some catching up done.