Mar 31, 2005 16:35
hey everyone..well i'm just so frekin tired right now because i swear i only got no more than 2 hr's of sleep last night! The reason why was because i was on the plane traveling from California!!! Before that i went to West Hampton in N.Y. and stayed at my grandpa's house. Wow wuz it 5 x's bigger than mine. Well it was cold but i still had a blast! So afterwards of course i hed down to Calfornia where the sun was shining all 3 days i was there. Its wasn't that hot thou only like 68-70 every day. We or I SHOULD SAY that I ate a ton! Now i got to get back to my normal exercise again when school starts....but instead of just equimpment i'll start doin swimming again. Well now i'm at home just about to fall asleep on the computer....i'm soooooooooooooooo sleepy.......well erika is comin over at 5:30 ...dinner..than we might go to the movies..well i know i havn't written that much but i have an hour before she gets here so i'm takin a nap!
night nigt everyone!