Feb 07, 2007 14:02
I'm sitting here in the computer lab of the Science Center waiting for my next class to start (it starts at 3:30) and I got bored, so I decided that I would do a short little update.
I have finally started getting things together for my grad school application. Yes, you read that correctly... it is not supposed to be the plural form of application because I am only applying to one school. It's like choosing an undergrad school all over again - I just don't care. Plus, I'd like to stay in the area because Chris is here. I know what people are thinking: what a stupid reason to stay in the area... or... you shouldn't stay somewhere just because of a significant other. I don't disagree, but I also don't agree. I know that I can go anywhere I want, and Chris would never stop me from doing so... this is my decision. But I know that I don't want to be far from him. I already dislike the fact that I typically only get to see him on weekends... I would definitely hate it if it were less frequently. I know we could do the long distance thing, but I like things the way they are now. We're happy. Speaking of which, we'll have been dating for a year next Friday (Feb. 16). Yay.
I totally got off the track of graduate school. I took the GRE last Friday and it wasn't too bad. Honestly, it was like taking the SATs all over again, except this time I got to do it on the computer. I kind of prefer this method because I don't have to wait for others to finish in order to move on to the next section. It's kind of nice. I was technically done in 2.5 hours, but didn't leave until 3 hours after the start time because I decided to be nice and complete the voluntary section. Also, can I just say that I don't like Case's campus? Ick. Anyways, I've also gotten recommendation letter information to those whom I have asked to write said recommendations, I've sent in the application and payed the fee... now all I have to do is finish my personal statement and send that in! Woohoo!
I don't know if I said this in the last post, and since I'm too lazy to check, I'll just write it now: my brother is engaged. He asked Beth about a week before Christmas and he's getting married on October 27, 2007. I get to be in my first wedding! W00t! I'm happy for him, and Beth is really nice... but I have to admit that it's still weird to think that he'll be married. Also, I have to say one thing: Beth knew that he would be asking her and she went with him to pick out the ring. I know it's the new thing to be doing, but I hate it. I want to be surprised. I want him to pick out the ring (if I don't like it for some reason, that's what receipts are for!). Maybe I'm the only girl left who thinks this way, but I think it's far more romantic to be surprised. I just think it would be a lot better that way. Chris agrees. :-D
This semester is extremely boring. My classes require little to no work and I have nothing to do during my free time (which takes place everyday). Perhaps I could work a few hours a week... it would give me something to do at least... plus, money is always shiny. I know I'd be saying "man, I wish I had more free time"... but sitting around all day is really starting to get to me.
That's about all for now... so much for that "short little update" thing. Oh well. :-)