Warning: Another Sappy Update Follows...

Oct 02, 2006 00:09

Okay, you were warned...

Friday night Chris came to Carroll after work. Therefore, I took some time in the afternoon to do a little shopping for the meal I was going to cook for him. We had pasta with garlic bread and our favorite wine :-) It was pretty nice. I even surprised him with a little dessert. Then, we went to his volleyball games which ended up taking a bit longer than we expected them too, but whatever. The plus side is that I got two free drinks out of the deal. I chatted with the bartender for a bit and he said "the drinks on me" and then one of Chris's teammates offered to buy people a few drinks. Woohoo... day didn't seem quite as long anymore, haha. Finally, he spent the night with me at school... yay! I LOVE that! Saturday, Chris treated me to a date night since it's been awhile. We went to the Olive Garden - it was soooo good and it's been awhile since I've been there. I had the chicken scampi and it comes highly recommended from me. Oh yea, and their margaritas are very very yummy (try the strawberry-mango one next time you're there). And the dessert of chocolate mouse pie - oh my lord... it doesn't get much better. Then, we went to see The Last Kiss (my choice). The movie actually wasn't bad... it wasn't the best move I've ever seen, but it definitely had its moments and I don't regret having paid money to go see it. I then spent the night at his house since his family was coming over today. It was fun too... we were all watching the football game and periodically, Chris would play a game called Aggravation with three of his family members. It was really fun to watch because they were getting so into it. Once again, our dinner consisted of an Italian dish (lasagne this time), so Chris and I went for an Italian theme this weekend apparently.

Another fun tidbit: I got invited to his sister's wedding shower. I don't know, I guess I just feel accepted and welcomed and all that jazz - and it's a great feeling. They even told me that they want me to help the day of, which means to me that they trust me. :-)

Finally, I fall more and more in love with this man every day. It's weird. It's like, I thought I had reached a peak or something, but each time I'm with him, I somehow reach new heights - and I just didn't think it was possible. There's something different about this one. He told me of a time when he was talking with his mom and she told him that he seems much happier now that he's with me... or at least he seems different and in a good way... she also said that we just seem to work well together. We have the same interests for the most part and we're always playing off each other... she said there was an aura about us. hehe... we have an aura! It's fun when others can see how happy you are being with someone even if it only involves sitting around watching TV. :-) Another good weekend for the record books :-)
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