How do you do the things that you do to me?

Oct 23, 2006 15:18

"You know, when you go to Austrailia, you need a base tan."

That was the topic of conversation today in English with Cox and Sara. That and how Sara is a prostitue and is having Cox's kid. *giggles* Yeah, I'm never going to a tanning bed. Don't ask. You don't wanna know.

So I'm almost finally done selling that last box of candy. *cheers* I'm so tired of carrying it around. This is number 2 and I decided that if I sold all of it today, I'd go get another box but if not, once I got rid of this one, that was it. It's really funny when kids are running after you in the hall wanting to buy candy with thirty seconds to the bell. Thankfully I was in the Counselor Center that period. They couldn't care less if I'm there on time or not. All I did in there was alphabetise PSAT booklets. *shrugs* Better than last time.

Yeah for some reason, I couldn't finish my lunch. I'm starting to get worried. I couldn't even finish my sandwich. I hope all this stress didn't mess up my stomach. I think I do know what's going on with me, but I hope to god that it's not what I think it is. If it is, it could send me on the biggest depression spiral that you'd ever see.

Apparently writing out the translation for a story in French is too much work to do. I found this out from Gina today. *shrugs* sue me. I'd rather write it out so I remember it. I felt so stupid because there were some things that I remember learning in French 2 and I had to go look them up. "puis que" being one of them. *sighs* I gotta start doing better in there. Felix is already fed up with my class. I need to get an A in there. Only problem is that not only is it near impossible to fail his class, it's extremely hard to get an A too.

Have you ever realized that the one thing you were fighting to keep from happening was right in front of you and there's nothing you can do to stop it? Well, thanks to Cody, that's where I'm at right now. And yeah, if you're reading this, I blame you. I've spent the past four months fighting to keep what Sister Mary Martha warned might have to happen from happening. I told you that I would never let it happen and I've been working so hard to keep us away from that point and prove that we were different. And you're speeding it right along. And I know you know what I'm talking about. I have more to say about this, but here's not the place for it.

*sighs* why does life have to be so freakin complicated?

The book we're reading now in English is by far the most weird book you'll ever read. Let's see, since we've started reading it, we've read about someone's ass being kissed (literally. and yes, the word ass has been used in it and it's not talking about a donkey) and someone else's ass being smote. And canoodling with a miller's daughter and wife to get even, 'making love' in a pear tree, outrageous tests where the children are in mortal danger, the list goes on and on. It's good, but very weird. Hilarious too. *grins* Gotta love "The Canterbury Tales."

Ok, so I'm out. I got some things I gotta do. I gotta email Sister Mary Agnes and tell her that I can't go to the overnight. Gotta double check with Robin and finish my room so I can go out on Wednesday with Cathy. where's that soda I hid? *sighs* I need to stop with all this soda. I'm already fat as it is. It's sad, Cathy's now a size smaller than me and she used to be like four or five sizes bigger. *sigh* I dunno but these jeans are way too big and they're a 12. grr. Ok I'm gonna go drown my sorrows in fake Mountain Dew.
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