Jun 22, 2006 17:32
Of all of Hogwarts' ghosts Nearly Headless Nick has the largest online biography,but for my needs, it isn't enough:-P.
I'm trying to write a dossier as if it was done by an intelligence service for the four house ghosts and Moaning Myrtle.
The only have a couple of ideas so far and that is for the Fat Friar and Myrtle.
In most fanfics I've read Hufflepuffs are sideline characters--healers, nurses etc. To me, I think Hufflepuffs would make the best warriors. Thier caring and hard work would be used in making sure the mission is accomplished with the minimum loss of life on both sides and if any of thier side is fallen, they would bring home the bodies for thier families. So the Fat Friar is a warrior priest of old, Friar Tuck of Robin Hood fame. I don't know if Friar Tuck has a first name in legend or not, but I think here his first name will be Ignatius (I'll check the spelling;)).
The next is Myrtle. I haven't looked at the lexicon to see what there is yet, but I can see her being of any of the houses, maybe not Slytherin. (Sideline I saw on IMDb that the actress that played Myrtle was 40, it suprized me :-P) To me Myrtle is a teenager that will never get past the gangly akward stage. I first thought she was in Slytherin because of what she did to the girl that made her cry in the first place..for years. (I suck at names, I need a good last name for Myrtle.)
So if you my dear f/list would give me a hand and an idea on how to flesh out NHN, and somewhere to start on his Bloodiness the Baron; I would appreciate it.