title: Let's Try This Trick And Spin It (1/1)
exorciserating: PG-13.
pairing: Pete/Patrick, Ryan/Brendon, Jon/Spencer.
POV: Third.
summary: X-Men AU. It's Brendon's first day at the academy and it's sort of one to remember. Featuring various appearances, unabashed fluff, the sort of shenanigans you'd expect when you give bandom superpowers. 3,800 words.
disclaimer: This is fiction.
a/n: written for a prompt at
anon_lovefest, and beta'd by
leviticus_lied (♥).
Pete’s having way too much fun with Brendon’s power. Over the course of dinner he’s stolen people’s lasagna (and he’s given them all to Patrick-it’s ridiculous because the two of them are surrounded by a lasagna mountain), made Gabe dance, even through it wasn’t all that hard to convince the school’s elastic man to dance, in retrospect, and he’s also convinced Gerard that Frank’s name is really Sir Dipshit Esq. (which Spencer thinks went just a little too far).