Author: strawberrymello
Type: fanfic
Characters/Pairings: Hellcat
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Description: Hellcat reflects in the calm between battles over the Pacific
Japanisches Kaiserreich Mitternacht Marine is a comic by Rokuzaki, and can be found
here. If you do not know of the disclaimer, please read it
Without having read any of the comics besides the ones already translated on here, I hope my characterization of Hellcat is all right. XD I figured while he's not exactly an angry character, he would be very patriotic in the way that soldiers were at the time, which in this case means there are a few derogatory terms in this fic. Just fyi, and I hope I don't offend anyone too much.
Star-bursts of fire dotted the night sky.
Hellcat spun and dived, coming to a rest as the fight stilled around him and the only sounds breaking the midnight silence were the quiet splashes of soot and metal falling into the Pacific.
We sure sent those goddamn japs packing, didn't we!
It was probably time to head back to Yorky; intel had it that there would be a second wave of fighters coming in before dawn, but right now Hellcat didn't give a good goddamn if the entire Japanese navy showed up right in front of him. He'd shown them what-for that night, and he'd do it again and again, and as many times as his country needed him to.
So for now Hellcat just wanted to take in his victory and fly alongside his kin and countrymen, fly in a world free from the threat of imperial domination for at least one more blessed night.
With the unbounded determination of our people we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.*
Miles and miles away, the glitter of dawn sparkled across the sea. The enemy would be returning soon, roaring across the sky like the mighty imperialist machine it was, the machine that Hellcat would be there to destroy.
He'd be ready for those evil bastards. When Zero came across the horizon to meet him in battle he'd be ready, and they would dance like the steel and diesel angels they were, across a fiery sky.
*American President F.D. Roosevelt, 12/8/1941