Hey guys! Just a quick 'hi' since it's my first post on this community but
carmisa's been bugging me about posting for a bit now...
Yes, I am that notorious friend of her's that is dishing out all these translations.
Worship me guys. I know I'm worth it. *brick'd*
Anyway, I just decided it was high time I dumped some of my absolutely insane doodles here and run before anyone decides it is worthy to shoot me. So I suppose... Art dump?
carmisaType: Fanart
Characters/Pairings: Hellcat, Wildcat, Sherman, Teke, U-1224, Tomcat, Musashi
Rating: PG (Just to be safe. Nothing really out there; but a few 'bad words' here and there...)
Description: An accumulation of doodles over a few months based on certain memes...
Japanisches Kaiserreich Mitternacht Marine is a comic by Rokuzaki, and can be found
here. For the disclaimer, please read it
Just a quick thank you to
carmisa Yes, Tommy grew up a bit.
The puss in boots face was begging to be done, okay?
Feel free to put your own captions in!
(I don't know, something along the lines of, "BUT WHY IS THE MILK GONE?")
Have a comic!! (Read from left to right.)
Just a disclaimer to say that the original plot isn't mine - this is based on another comic that exists on the internet.
Now for something that pushes past all boundaries...
Come on, don't tell me you haven't all thought of this already.
Hetalia characters do not belong to me. They belong to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Feel free to repost elsewhere guys, but just credit me. <3