Hey guys! I'm posting here to see if anyone's interested in my Midnight Navy cosplay! I'll probably make another one or two, but right now I'm trying to make room in my closet! >.<
Looking for a good home:
I-8 - includes male and female versions (one jacket, bow, pants, skirt) $70. Each of the wigs is an additional $20. If you want Iko's boots (I know not everyone's a size 8!) , it's an extra $10. So, if you want all of the costume pieces and wigs, it's $120, plus shipping. I-8 (male) only worn once at Katsucon 2011 for a few hours. I-8 (female) worn twice - ACEN and a private photoshoot, each only a few hours. Size 14-ish.
Spitko: Includes dress, apron, head piece, gloves. Tights... I haven't had the courage to see if the paint washes off.
Yorkie-chan genderbend t-shirt: I made her shirt because I think it's darling, but have yet to get around to making the cosplay. I actually made two of the shirts, so I'm selling one for $10 plus shipping. As you can see, it's not perfect, but it works. The design continues all the way around.