Short Translations - Blog entry 11-06-14, 11-06-15

Jun 18, 2011 01:06

 I apologize in advance, I'm just a second year Japanese student but I think I've got the basics down... Please correct!

Just for a touch of background, the bullet points on f-15's intro read:
-Now in Japan
-Well-mannered young man
-F-14 is cool, isn't he? Yup yup. On the other hand, I want to beat up MiGs.

11-06-14: (Tomcat and F-15 picture)

”(Come at me) anytime, chick!" ”Whatever you say, kitten."

Because of having these exchanges, the hot feelings (tn: kind of like "anticipation"?) would not stop. Incidentally, Tomcat won.
Eagle-brother、 now that you've come to Japan, certainly we will enjoy the cool, raw vigor of such an airshow!

11-06-15: (Tomcat picture)

A skilled cat hides its wings. (tn: play on the phrase ”能ある鷹は爪を隠す” which can be translated as "a skilled hawk hides its talons")

Grown-up demon-winged Tomcat patch(?) is so cute! After, I'll help Hornet*!About that patch(?), what the heck is going on...

I haven't drawn Tomcat in a while and I drew his bangs slightly wrong so he got revenge, but it didn't change much...
And despite the fact that I changed his facial expression so his odd eyes can be seen, you can't see them at all... again... (exasperation)

*(Tn: Hornet refers to the F-18 Hornet which was the Tomcat's successor but was still outclassed by the F-14 in a few areas. Going by that, my only guess is by "Patch", sensei means... like a software-update patch? So I guess the demon wings are Tomcat's upgrade so he can go help out Hornet XD that's just my guess.)

I apologize again if my translations are off the mark.
Anywho I'm guessing we'll start seeing Russians soon *_____* Also I'm not sure what Tomcat and Eagle's relationship is supposed to be... I'm getting mixed signals ;___; 
As a final note, apparently Eagle's design had long since been finished but sensei was just waiting for the new "season"? I hope this means more new characters soon!

character names/info, translation

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