If I knew it was harmless I would have killed it myself.

Aug 05, 2006 15:34

I finished reading A Scanner Darkly, exelent book, supreamly depressing ending.  I was crying though the last 3 chapters but not really because of the plot so much, it was just a wierd emotional day and the words were so perfect in the hopelessness that they were trying to express.  It just seemed to fit with my thought processes.  I'm going to go see the movie tomarrow and definatly looking forward to it.

"He realized he was going to have to live on and on like he was, seeing nothing.  Without any purpose.  Just a lump of flesh grinding along, eating, drinking, sleeping, working, crapping."
"Like the rest of us."

"There is a curse on this world, and all this proves it; this is the proof right here.  Somewhere, at the deepest level possilbe, the mechanism, the construction of things, fell apart, and up from what remained swam the need to do all the various sort of unclear wrongs the wisest choice has made us act out.  It must have started thousands of years ago.  By now it's infiltrated into the nautre of everything.  And, she though, into every one of us.  We can't turn around or open our mouths and speak, decide at all, with out doing it.  I don't even care how it got started, when or why.  She thought, I just hope it'll end some time.  Like with Tony Smsterdam; I just hope one day the shower of brightly colored sparks will return and this time we'll all see it.  The narrow dorrwary where ther's peace on the far side.  A statue, the sea, and what looks like moonlight.  And nothing stirring, nothing to break the calm."
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