Mar 24, 2008 02:34
Haven't updated in a very long time. Just procrastinating as usual before I go to work, like I really feeling delivering newspapers right now. Oh, yeah, for those who don't know, I have a new job as a paperboy. It sucks, really bad, and I feel like a huge loser. Things have been very up and down for me lately. In some ways, my life seems to be slightly improving from what it was at the end of 2007 and the beginning of this year. But, at the same time, I feel like some things continue going down hill, or just stay the same without much or any improvement. I talk to literally no one anymore. I don't talk to a single person I knew from high school, and it's pretty sad. I see people here and there, and we'll say hi to each other and maybe talk briefly but it feels so awkward because so much time has passed since I've seen everyone. I can't help but constantly notice how much older everyone has gotten, everyone has matured so much since graduation. Has this much time really gone by? I miss everyone, a lot. I miss high school, but just the social part of it. I miss seeing everyone everyday, seeing my friends, being close with people. I feel as if so much time has passed, so many things have happened in everyone's lives over the past 2 years that I've missed out on.