Nov 19, 2006 02:22
today pretty much was a waste of my life. everything was terrible except after work, but now things suck again. i swear i feel like im worth nothing to some people and im fed up trying to be special to them. i hate work hate it with a passion im thinking of just not showing up tommorow and thats how i will quit just stop coming but i know that i wont do that and i just say it but one day hopefully soon ill get out of that hell whole of a "job" where we get payed WAY to little for the stuff we do. im so over life at this point im tired of trying to make people happy when i get nothing in return. i feel like i should just be mean to everyone now and see what they took advantage of. i hate feeling like this it really brings me down and then i start over analyzing every little detail in my life and that is NOT good because then i start to feel like crap^^ and think of this. im tired im going to sleep thats the only thing i have wanted to do lately just sleep.