Another day, another entry. My LJ is seeing more action these days than ever before. I don't think it quite knows what to do with itself. I kind of like this daily posting thing, though. It gets the rusty ol' gears turning again. Maybe after I'm done these two memes I'll start up another one. Yes, I realize I'm getting ridiculously ahead of myself
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wait... I thought you didn't like HIMYM.
And yep. Effy's my fav. Deal wit it. :P
and.... ew ew ew just...ew. i feel unclean.
effy is a big fat fucking trifecta for me.
she's badly written. badly acted. and on top of all that... she's a wretched, horrible, unlikeable character.
Then again, I was one of the... like... two people who didn't care for Cook. Or Naomily. Or most of the others, really. And I didn't hate Freddie either (most of the time. He definitely had his "I want to strangle you" moments). So yeah, I know I'm in the intense-minority. I can handle the stones. Throw at will.
I'll just attack you with hugs.
i'm in the intense minority in that i pretty much wanted to strangle all the gen 2 characters. yes all of them. cook (even though i have an icon of him), naomily (especially them) and i-have-no-character-freddie. and the other ones who barely had a full character between them.
the only ones that kind of made me smile were Katie and Karen.
but seriously, none of them held my intense loathing like effy did. its quite weird really. she's like the nessie of skins for me. and i loved her so in season 1. what happened?
i really dont know what your on about in your entry up there cause i didn't see any of that. an intense lover?? wtf? all i can agree on is that kaya is eyecandy, which the skins producers exploited to a tacky, pretentious level (like in your caps).
sorry if i'm offending you. but this character just gets my rant on.
And I just happen to think she's much, much more complex than your average "slutty" girl. Yes, she fucks around, but she does this on purpose to shove down her insecurities.
And I COMPLETELY agree with you that Gen 2 was sub-par (you must've read my original meme post). One of the reasons I LIKE Effy is because she flows over from Gen 1.
Look, I'm not trying to change your mind. I know I'm not going to... obviously.
So let's agree. to. disagree.
i'm sure the writers meant to make her complex, its just they did a sloppy job imo. you said it yourself, they wrote her as confident, aloof, manipulative, reckless, intelligent, blasé, mysterious, crafty... and then decided OH NO WAIT! SHE'S LIKE ALL INSECURE AND CRAZY AND SHIT!
but as you say, i aint going to change your opinion. so if you want me to zip my lips about your precious widdle effy then i guess i will.
All of the pictures she puts up on the walls (and yes, I will agree that THIS was overkill, but nonetheless...) are of the people she loves/cares for. As I said, she just doesn't want anyone to SEE that she cares. Because love=weakness. Again, I could be remembering the details incorrectly/reading too far into it, but this is what I remember feeling when I watched these episodes.
The important thing about Effy is that a) she's suffering from the beginnings of a a serious mental illness, even if we don't know it yet, and b) she's sorry for the pain she causes people.
(The pictures on the wall were genius IMO. Because of the art project in series 2 that she couldn't let herself do.)
But I liked that Effy's included pics of her family and Freddie, and when you mention the art project, that definitely makes it seem less gimmicky.
Oh, and my goal for tomorrow is to use "assholishness" in a sentence.
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