I might be certifiably insane for actually believing that I have a good chance of completing this, but nonetheless, I've decided to take a page out of
bluesuzanne's book and do
Yeesh, as if I need another reason to procrastinate from writing the fics I'm still stuck on (don't worry guys... they're COMING, I promise). So, Sophy is doing two memes; one is for a current series, and one is a throwback to her favourite show. I thought I'd do something similar. I'm going to do
30 Days of Skins and
30 Days of X-Files. I wanted the two shows to be different from one another, and I don't think you can possibly get more different than ecstasy-popping British teens and UFO-hunting FBI agents.
So, here goes...
Skins Day 1: Favourite Generation
Pffft. Easy. I'm sorry to all of the Gen 2 lovers out there. Gen 2 had its great moments, but it wasn't anywhere close to being as amazing as Gen 1. Some reasons why:
1) It wasn't trying so hard to be quirky (old-lady piggyback race through a quaint small town, anybody?)
2) Effy was Effy. I've been sitting here trying to think of another way to say this, but I can't. People will know what I mean. Again, not saying G2 Effy was bad, I'm just saying, G1 Effy was EPIC.
3) It was more clever. The images/symbols that were weaved into the stories with such gorgeous subtlety just couldn't be duplicated.
4) It made me cry... a LOT. I can think of at least 6 Gen 1 moments right off the top of my head that left me in a sobbing heap on the floor. I can only think of one moment in Gen 2 that had the same effect on me.
5) Two words: Cassie, Sid.
I mean, there are lots more reasons why, but I don't really want to get into them all right now. Let's just call it a day.
X-files Day 1: Favourite Season
This one is tougher (and don't say it's because there are more than two options to choose from... because there aren't really. There are only a few seasons in contention for my top spot). After some deliberation, though, I'm going to say Season 4.
Season four was great not only because it's when Scully's hair suddenly became less... well... 80's-looking, but also because it's when we REALLY start to see the strong bond forming between M&S (I'm specifically talking about "Memento Mori", but who could forget the mid-senate-hearing "OMG you're alive" hug in "Terma").
Aside from this we have the death of X in "Herrenvolk", Krycek's impromptu amputation, Scully's almost-lobotomy in "Unruhe", "Paper Hearts" (Gah! Samantha!Angst), Leonard Betts ("I'm sorry, but you've got something I need" O_O !!!!!!!!!), "HOME" (Sweet Jesus...), the Scully angst/nosebleeds in "Elegy", the hilarity of "Small Potatoes"... I mean, Season 4 doesn't include my VERY favourite episode, but it does include the highest volume of really important, mind-blowing moments, imo. Plus it's early enough in the show's life-span that it has almost none of those "what the everloving fuck are the writers smoking?" episodes that pop up now and then in the post-season-6 era. That's probably why it's my favourite!
And of course I have to mention that it has the BEST FINALE OF ANY SEASON HANDS-DOWN: "Gesthesmane"
Scully:"Agent Mulder died late last night from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head"
Most epic cliffhanger of my life.